Schooling Tetras?

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Jul 17, 2005
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I am quite new at all this and my little 10 Gallon tank is my first one but I am hooked already!

The tank is new and I currently have 2 ghost shrimp, 2 African Dwarf frogs and currently 2 white skirted Tetras. I know that the Tetras need to be in a school of more than just 2 fish, but as the tank is new, I am adding fish slowly as to not overload the tank. When I am ready to add more fish, do the new fish need to be white skirted Tetras as well, or will other compatible schooling fish work? If so, what are compatible with white skirted Tetras? :/

To get fish to school, you do need to stay with the same species. Sometimes different species will school together but not always.
The white skirted tetra is actually a color morph of the black skirted tetra (there is also a gold variety). I can't speak of tetras, but I know that the different color morphs of tiger barbs will school together, so i'm guessing these might join together as well.

You can add more fish when your ammonia and nitrite are both zero. If you don't own a test kit, it will be one of the best investments you can make. I know Big Als sells a master test kit for around $18, which includes shipping. If you are giong to buy one, make sure it is one with liquids that you add to test tubes. They are alot more accurate than the dip stick ones that are avaliable.

Here are a few other links on the skirted tetras if you are interested.
Thank you for the links and the information.

As a newbie, I did buy the test strips but will upgrade to the liquid version here to ensure accurate readings.

I think I will stick to the white skirted tetras as they are growing on me!

Thanks for all the responses and help so far! :)
I have Neon and cardinal they schooling in my tank like mad. I guess they must be confuse when they saw each other as both of them looks soo alike only a little red spot on the stomach area seperate them from the same species. some said clown loach will school with tiger barb as well. But I never have tiger barb before. But I guess mostly any tetra can be put into ur tank just put what ever u like tetra always school.
our one surviving neon ( must get him a girlfriend) schools with our cardinal tetras & i think is the boss of the group from the way he acts. we've also got rummy nose tetras in our tank - they school very tightly with eachother a lot of the time but never with the cardinals/neon :)
My six white cloud minnows and my three neons (survivors of an NTD plague) school together in my tank. Maybe its just because they are roughly the same size.

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