Schooling Fish


New Member
Jun 18, 2004
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Are there some fish that you can "mix and match" to school together? There are so many neat fish I want but I don't want to overstock nor do I want my fish to be lonely. For example: If I had 3 Cardinals and 3 Neons, would they school together? I'm thinking most likey the answer is no, but I thought I would ask. Thanks.
Most tetras will school together--for a long time, I had a little school of all different kinds of tetras, in my community tank. Right now I have a couple congo tetras, a rummy nose tetra, a zebra danio, two black skirt tetras, and two dwarf gouramis. (I know, I know, I should have more than one or two of each kind of fish... I had a "die-off" period in this tank and haven't gotten around to restocking it with the same kind of fish) They all school together except one of the gouramis. Really the most important thing in a community tank is to make sure you don't get fish that will tear each other apart...
Corys will generally school together if they are of a similar size, however it is probably best to get at least two of each kind. I have no experience with rainbowfish, so I can't help you there :dunno:
Cories and tetras wouldn't school together, as tetras are mid- or upper-level fish and cories are bottom dwellers. I think what was meant was that cories of different species will school together with cories of other species just fine and tetras of different species will school with other tetras.

My corys just kinda chill, someimes together other times not. Unless they decide to play tag, then they gang up on the pictus

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