Schooling Fish

Bob marley

New Member
Jul 21, 2009
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i wanted to know what a good schooling fish would go with my new world cichlids including 1x Oscar 1x Texas cichlid 1x Jack dempsey and also 1 silver shark... thankyou cant wait for your replies
it would definately need to be be big fish. for now i wouldn't add anything
in the 7 footer, you could put congo tetras or bala sharks perhaps.
Can't speak from personal experience, but from what I've read Silver Dollars are a common choice. Maybe larger rainbowfish would also work...?
clown loaches would have a hard time. they're usually very small when purchased and grow quite slow, about an inch a year. they would become oscar food in no time
Silver Dollars, Tinfoils, and Silver Sharks are pretty much your only suitable dithers for cichlids of that size and nature.

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