I am starting to build up my stocking right now and I'm struggling to find any solid info about moonlight gourami. I'm thinking of going with a school of neons for my tank but I don't want them to get eaten. Any help would be appreciated!
Go with the Rasbora Het’s . They come from the same region and a big school of Rasbora Het’s is a beautiful sight to see .I'll have to see what they have at my lfs. If they don't have lemon tetras would harlequin rasboras work?
I second this. And there is always a risk of nippiness when tetras and gourami 'feelers' are combined. The rasboras eliminate that potential and are beautiful to boot.Go with the Rasbora Het’s . They come from the same region and a big school of Rasbora Het’s is a beautiful sight to see .