School project, please help!


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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I'm doing a school project and decided to evolve it around tropical fish keeping. I obviously keep fish but for the project i need 2 ask many people many questions, thats why i wanted so many people to reply.

I also have a problem though, i need stats as in a certain percentage say this and another percentage say that. In this topic i could easily write down my questions and hope for 5 or 10 people to reply to them but it would be a much greater help if i was allowed to to post like 5 new topics each with a different toll that people could fill in, that way i have definitve answers i can use for my results.

I know there is nothin technically stopping me bt i wanted to ask to see if you didnt mind,

the questions i wanted to ask are
fave fish (already asked)
how much prepared to pay
how many tanks people have
how much time per week people spend maintainin/ watchin their tanks
if they could would people rather have coldwater pond, tropical, brackish etc

would people object? i am very grateful for people continuing to vote in the other pole i have running so would anybody object if i did this even tho it would mean starting 5 new polls?
I'm not too bothered. I'm sure we'll all find it fasinating, and the mods can always get rid of them after.
I guess the question is aimed at mods really...but I'd have no objection. You have a genuine reason after all.
fave fish (already asked)-red clawed crabs
how much prepared to pay-upto £10 (not much coz i only get abit of pocket money)
size- 15g & 10g
how many tanks people have- 2
how much time per week people spend maintainin/ watchin their tanks-2-3 hours
if they could would people rather have coldwater pond, tropical, brackish- ALL
Your polls will soon be lost unless there is an overwhelming interest in them. But this means the members, who would volunteer their information, will be posting in 5 different threads,answering five different questions. The odds of each 'question answering member' noticing all five polls is pretty slim. Why not just start a question and answer thread?

You'd be surprised how many people can answer five questions at once. :whistle:
You could even make them multiple choice.

I can promise you that I do more water changes in a week than anybody here on the forum :p ( Not counting those who work full time at LFS's ,so quiet you's!)

So I'll give an example...

Fave Fish~ Betta

how much prepared to pay~ I've paid as much as 80.00 for one fish (betta wise) and I would probably pay up to 200.00 for my dream fish,possibly more. Especially if its something I'm interested in breeding and working.

size~ heh? The fish or the tanks? :p

how many tanks people have~ I personally have 9 tanks over 20 gallon,largest being 120. I don't consider anything smaller an actual 'tank'

how much time per week people spend maintainin/ watchin their tanks~
I spend about 30-35 hours a week doing water changes/feedng in my betta room alone, this does not include the time it takes to maintain my larger aquaria,which probably takes me around two-three hours a week.
Watching,meh, I watch my fronts for around 30 minutes a day. They fascinate me and make me trance sometimes :p

if they could would people rather have coldwater pond, tropical, brackish etc~
I would have a tropical pond for my Frontosa. That would be amazing :wub:

See? It's just that easy,but it's more work for you :p But if you want to do seperate polls,well,have a blast!
My utmost favourite fish is the adonis plec (lyre tailed polka dot plec as seen in my signature)

I've spent £120 on a single fish but i am considering a medium black arrowana to go with my tigrus, so a guess £250?

BIggest tank 8ft for my tig, size of my frave fish about 24-28 inch dependant on gender

5 tanks, tig, african, nano reef in construction, community, archers and knife fish

um all the spare time i have i guess 30 hours?

I have no preference on type of tank so long as i chose what was in it!

Hope this helps :thumbs:
Fave fish = swordtails/mollies
Prepared to pay = £10ish
Tank size = 180ltrs
How many tanks = 2 (1 is mine - 1 belongs to my son)
Time spent = several hours - it varies according to time available
Preferance = tropicals
Hope this is a help to you DMan99

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
fave fish (already asked)- Can't say I have a fav yet...

how much prepared to pay- 12$

size- I'm short....?

how many tanks people have - At the moment, four, but that could change in an instant...

how much time per week people spend maintainin/ watchin their tanks- Probably two hours maintaining, as I haven't been struck with any real sickness or anything, I don't know how long I watch, as in my house if you get caught sitting down my mom wants to know why you're not cleaning the house or doing anything worth while...

if they could would people rather have coldwater pond, tropical, brackish etc - Yes please! :p
fave fish :: betta splendens
how much prepared to pay :: so far I haven't spent more than $8 on one fish [and a crowntail at that!] but if I had the money I'd go up to about $100..
size :: tanks? 10g, 15g, 3x1g, 3x0.5g, 1x2.5g
how many tanks people have :: 9
how much time per week people spend maintainin/ watchin their tanks :: about 5 hours a week just watching, 2-3 hours maintenance
if they could would people rather have coldwater pond, tropical, brackish etc :: tropical pond! As a bette growout.. :drool: Or even the oscar pond idea I saw on this forum..
fave fish (already asked)-Betta or Oscar

how much prepared to pay- Up to $10.00 per fish

size- The size of my tanks? I have three 10 gallons, one 29 gallon, one 120 gallon, and one 2 gallon fish bowl.

how many tanks people have - 6 right now, but looking to buy another 30 gallon for my goldfish.

how much time per week people spend maintainin/ watchin their tanksI spend about an hour or two maintaining all 5 tanks (one tank (10 gallon) is not set up at the moment) each day so around 14 hours a week. An hour a day if there is no water changes or gravel vacs, just feeding and checking water params and maing sure every fish is accounted for. About 2-3 hours a day when I do water changes and gravel vacs.

I also am medicating my male betta and goldfish so that takes some time as well. I'd say around 15 hours a week give or take a little.

if they could would people rather have coldwater pond, tropical, brackish etc - Definately tropical, but I just bought a goldfish the other day and he is the cutest thing ever! I would definately want a coldwater pond as well. :thumbs:

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