Schoaling fish....


Fish Crazy
Feb 19, 2004
Reaction score
Windsor, Canada
Right now I have a 55 Gal tank with the following fish in it...
(2 Penguin Bio-Wheel 330's)
- 2 Angels
- 2 Neon Blue Dwarf Gouramis
- 3 Red Swordtails
- 5 Spotted Cory Cats
- 3 Clown Loaches
- 1 Clown Pleco
- 1 Spotted Rapheal

I used to have 11 Tiger barbs in the 55 but bought a 20 gal tank for them because I now added 2 angels into my tank. I am looking for a small - medium 1" - 3" schooling fish that is very active and colourful. If anyone could give me names and pictures if you have them of a fish that meets these requirements it would be greatly appreciated.

Try some threadfin Rainbows.

They are lovely to watch. I have 7.

They come in lots of colors. They FLare like a Betta.

I made sure aeach of mine is a different color.

They are very active and mix well with all the fish in my tank.
There's alot of variety of tetras you could choose from. Try as they have pics and info on pretty much all tropical fish..
I saw some rasbora espeii the other day and hear they're becoming a little more available. They look like Harlequins, but sleeker, and a bit darker. And like their cousins, they school very well, better than most schoolers. Cool little fish. If you can find them, check them out.
Hi Spat_si :)

You might want to take a look at some of the tetras in this link:

Then, post in Cyprinids and Characins to get more specific info.

I've kept glowlight tetras and like them a lot. They are not particularly active fish, but very attractive to look at. I had quite a few plants in their tank and they looked gorgeous against the green. :D

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