Schoaling fish...


Fish Crazy
Feb 19, 2004
Reaction score
Windsor, Canada
Right now I have a 55 Gal tank with the following fish in it...
(2 Penguin Bio-Wheel 330's)
- 2 Angels
- 2 Neon Blue Dwarf Gouramis
- 3 Red Swordtails
- 5 Spotted Cory Cats
- 3 Clown Loaches
- 1 Clown Pleco
- 1 Spotted Rapheal

I used to have 11 Tiger barbs in the 55 but bought a 20 gal tank for them because I now added 2 angels into my tank. I am looking for a small - medium 1" - 3" schooling fish that is very active and colourful. If anyone could give me names and pictures if you have them of a fish that meets these requirements it would be greatly appreciated.

I really enjoy the rummynoses AND I like the harlequin rasporas (sp). They would both be very pretty. Danios are also fun but stay pretty close to the top.

I'd go along with JA's choice. I would probably shoot for scissortails although fully grown they reach about 4", but they are shouling and they are definetly active. What about Cardinal Tetras, a colourful species that show off their colours when kept in 8's and 10's. Could go on forever.

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