Scavenger for 45 gallon Convict tank


Aug 21, 2004
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Oak Lake
I'm looking for a tough, resilient catfish to scavenge the bottom of my 45 gallon. Any suggestions?
Would a bristlenose or rubber lip plec be able to withstand the attack of a full grown Convict if it got too close to the breeding site? I know Cories wouldn't, I wouldn't even try putting Cories in.
Pictus's. FAST. probly pick off some fry though so i dunno if you want that. real tough though
Lol, ones that can get away with eating some fry are a plus. These Cons just won't stop! So, Pictus', eh? How many do you think I should get and of what kind? I'll read up on them in the fish index and that.
O, I should've added this. Something that would consume algae would be a HUGE plus. ...I'll check out PlanetCatfish...
pim pictus. try 3. they NEVER stop moving and will eat some smaller fish. whenever your cons breed feed them less because they will definately be getting some fry and these guys WILL NOT stop eating when full. one of mine goes around looking like he swallowed a marble sometimes because he steals everyone elses food.
Sean_Buckley said:
I'm looking for a tough, resilient catfish to scavenge the bottom of my 45 gallon. Any suggestions?

ive got 8 convicts and keep them with a host of catfish, 3 hoplosterum, 1 pictus, a feather fin, raphaels cat and a red tail. The only ones that show any damage are the hoplos, and thats an occasional fin nip, hoplos are pretty tough though
aetchell said:
Sean_Buckley said:
I'm looking for a tough, resilient catfish to scavenge the bottom of my 45 gallon. Any suggestions?

ive got 8 convicts and keep them with a host of catfish, 3 hoplosterum, 1 pictus, a feather fin, raphaels cat and a red tail. The only ones that show any damage are the hoplos, and thats an occasional fin nip, hoplos are pretty tough though
ummmm. i hope you know red tailed catfish get like 5 feet.
I think he probably meant a Red Tail Black Shark, not Red Tail Cat. I tried a full-grown Red Tail Shark the other day that I've had for 3 or more years, and the damn things killed it. I had several hiding places set up for it, and the lights were off. I'll maybe have to try some Hoplo's, as they are armor-plated basically, lol. I'm even skeptical about how well some Pictus' would do, even if they are fast...
hold teh phone. i've got a good idea.

are you ready?

RAPHAELS!!!!!!!! BRILLIANT!! can you say armor plated/ spiked beastly scavenging peaceful large catfish? perfect for your tank. theyre almost exclusively nocturnal unless kept in groups so they should stay away from your convicts and even if a con goes after one these things are ARMORed and even have some spikes. they are also pretty much blind so they'll pick off your fry without even knowing it.
I have a Spotted Raphael in my 33 gallon. I thought of that too, but currently I have 4 pairs with fry or eggs, but as soon as I see more eggs, I'm removing two of the males. Around here, they're $11 a piece, so pretty expensive if they got killed. And I'd feel awful if I sent another fish to its death. ...but they are great hiders...and spiky...really, really spiky....and get way bigger than the cons...I might try a few, but don't they grow really slow? I've got one in my tank that I've had for 3 or more months and I don't notice any growth at all.
Sean_Buckley said:
I have a Spotted Raphael in my 33 gallon. I thought of that too, but currently I have 4 pairs with fry or eggs, but as soon as I see more eggs, I'm removing two of the males. Around here, they're $11 a piece, so pretty expensive if they got killed. And I'd feel awful if I sent another fish to its death. ...but they are great hiders...and spiky...really, really spiky....and get way bigger than the cons...I might try a few, but don't they grow really slow? I've got one in my tank that I've had for 3 or more months and I don't notice any growth at all.

yeah they are slow growers. ive never bred cons but unless they are super aggressive (like Midas aggressive) than it should be fine. the only concievable way it could be killed would be having its stomach bitten. every other part of its body is either armored or spiked.

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