Scarlett Plec L25


Fish Fanatic
Jan 9, 2009
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my lfs has a scarlett plec 10" long for 160 pounds is this a fair price? :unsure:
depends where you are in the country to be honest.

Round my way, no that'd be overly expeneive. My nearest lfs has a fully grown one for £150.
about four years ago there was one in my workplace that was fully grown and priced at £75, (although it ended up being sold for about £50 if i remember rightly)
I would say not too bad a price for one of these. I've seen the priced similar at Pier

I paid £70 for mine that was bout 4 inches long.

If you really want one then you;d pay that I suppose. I wouldn;t normally consider paying £70 but i REALLY WANTED ONE FOR ME IT WAS LIKE A HOLY GRAIL O A FISH. Now I never see it but hes worth it when I do!!

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