Fish Connoisseur
I got three pretty and colorful scarlett badis. This morning when I saw how they sere coloring up and I got some responses in forum about them, I went back and got some more. Three or more. We scruitinized each one in the tank and picked the dullest ones we could find. We hope we got some girls. If so I will have a community of 6 or 7 mixed gender scarlett badis in a forty gallon corner tank. It will be thickly planted and caved with whatever I can put together. It will have duckweed, sparklers, honeys, cockatoos, pygmy cories, otos, and a shoaling fish (neons or harlequins.) When I get to be a better hobbiest I will maybe get some chocolat gourami.
So I will now be an oddball, too.
So tell me some stuff.
So I will now be an oddball, too.
So tell me some stuff.