Scarlett Badis


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I got three pretty and colorful scarlett badis. This morning when I saw how they sere coloring up and I got some responses in forum about them, I went back and got some more. Three or more. We scruitinized each one in the tank and picked the dullest ones we could find. We hope we got some girls. If so I will have a community of 6 or 7 mixed gender scarlett badis in a forty gallon corner tank. It will be thickly planted and caved with whatever I can put together. It will have duckweed, sparklers, honeys, cockatoos, pygmy cories, otos, and a shoaling fish (neons or harlequins.) When I get to be a better hobbiest I will maybe get some chocolat gourami.

So I will now be an oddball, too. :D

So tell me some stuff.
They , so far are the smallest members of the Badis family , [actually, Dario Dario] sometimes called Scarlet Dario as well , reaching about an inch in length .

There are a few members here that have them .

I had one that I [ my son ] had gotten as a hitch-hiker with some other fish , he lived about 2 months in my tank , not sure if the current was too much for him or not .
"Fish Profiles at Pet Resources" calls them badis badis burmanicus, 3" as adults. The info is confusing and pictures too. But mine are the same as the pictures on that site. They have vertical red stripes and the little caudal fins that look a little reminiscent of the cockatoo.
Hi Lucky, thanks!

Yes, you are right. I have the scarlet "Badis", Dario dario. What a beauty that one for auction is :drool: Hope my boys color up like that. :drool: Hope my new Orange flash boy and girls don't eat them. They are in with 12 baby panda cories, 17 pygmy cories, two frogs, and 4 sparklers (including some females this time.) But next week I expect to get the cockatoos and start the new tank. The whisper filter will be cycled and I will add some bio spira.
The Miniature South Sea Tank is now a reality. It is a 5 sided corner 40 usg tall. It's inhabitants are 6 or seven scarlet dario dario, several males and females. One little fellow is just spectacular, if a 1/2" teeny boy can be spectacular. There is a trio of Orange flash cockatoos from apistodave. There will be a trio of agassazi red tail and an additional female Orange flash arriving later in the week. There are 3 sparklers (trichopsis scharelli), male and female; about 12 pygmy cories; a few pandas that got caught in the net, 3 ADFrogs already in the tanks. I expect to add otos, trichopsis pumila (sparklers), the apistogramma agassazi red tails, a Honey family. I will add duck weedfor the bubble nesters. Someday I may have the courage to add a licorce or chocolat gourami.

It is already a delightful and active tank. The scarlet dario darios are an eye catcher, too. I'll post pics when I get through sorting through all the changes.

Thanks to Comet cattle for info on sparkler varieries; Elisabeth for being a co reasercher; pnyklr for helping with my first cockatoo. But most of all, thanks to Lucky 62 for giving me the idea and links to research my choices.

This may be my favorite tank.
Hi Sue, I just saw some scarlet Dario Darios yesterday and they were gorgeous!! I couldn't get them though because I want to keep them in a species only tank or maybe keep them with some boraras maculatus and I don't have a tank for them. I'm on the search for a small low and long 30-50 litre tank as I heard that's the best set-up for them.

I'm a little worried about your set-up though with keeping more than 1 male Dario Dario in the tank. From what I have heard from a guy who has bred and kept them is that males cannot live together and will tear eachother up. Also males are very very aggressive towards females and if you don't have tones of plants, wood, leaves etc in the tank you'll find your females will be killed as well.

I was also told that they weren't the best fish to keep in a community type set-up because of their aggressive behaviour that a species only tank or with other small fish like the bararas maculatus was the best set-up.

I was watching his tank (the guy who owns the shop) that he has set up with a spawning pair and his male was chasing the female everytime he saw her. It was ok in his tank though because it's so full of live plants, wood, leaves etc that the female was able to escape and hide. There were 5 juvies of theirs in the tank..about half an inch long..gorgeous little things :wub:

I'm not trying to rain on your parade :p but..... I'm a little worried about there being enough space/territories for all the fish your planning on putting in the 40. I know the dwarf cichlids can be quite aggressive during spawning and with them being bottom spawners you might find your pygmy cories wont do too great. The Dario Darios don't really build nests they just kind of place the eggs all around the upper part of the you might find the males wanting to patrol the whole tank protecting the eggs. The sparkling gouramis might not fair too well in that case. I'd be very careful of adding a chocolate gourami to the set-up as they can be very aggressive. I also heard they are quite shy sensitive fish that need really good water quality.

I just thought I'd let you know the information I've been told (please don't shoot me :*) ) :thumbs:

edit: I just wanted to add your very welcome for the little help I contributed ;) :)
The Miniature South Sea Tank is now a reality. It is a 5 sided corner 40 usg tall. It's inhabitants are 6 or seven scarlet dario dario, several males and females. One little fellow is just spectacular, if a 1/2" teeny boy can be spectacular. There is a trio of Orange flash cockatoos from apistodave. There will be a trio of agassazi red tail and an additional female Orange flash arriving later in the week. There are 3 sparklers (trichopsis scharelli), male and female; about 12 pygmy cories; a few pandas that got caught in the net, 3 ADFrogs already in the tanks. I expect to add otos, trichopsis pumila (sparklers), the apistogramma agassazi red tails, a Honey family. I will add duck weedfor the bubble nesters. Someday I may have the courage to add a licorce or chocolat gourami.

It is already a delightful and active tank. The scarlet dario darios are an eye catcher, too. I'll post pics when I get through sorting through all the changes.

Thanks to Comet cattle for info on sparkler varieries; Elisabeth for being a co reasercher; pnyklr for helping with my first cockatoo. But most of all, thanks to Lucky 62 for giving me the idea and links to research my choices.

This may be my favorite tank.

You're more than welcome .
I thought these fish were going in a 150 , or was it 125 gal , is that 40 gal less than 4 ' long ?

what Elisabeth says can be true , I've never heard of anyone having scarlets in anything larger than 20 gallons , and planted very densely, so in a larger tank a group could work , but you'll need to have plenty of cover for them .

The biggest problem can be feeding them , like larger Badis they'll most likely turn away from flakes and pellets , and only eat live , frozen , and/or freeze dried foods [ small or crushed food ], make sure you see them eat . try getting food to sink near their areas . Being smaller they may feel to intimidated to go to the surface with the other fish ..........

Give them plenty of cover , they'll need it to feel secure . many plants caves, crevices etc....

Try and decrease the current flow in the area they frequently rest [ hang out] , I think this will help .

I'm really only going on the experience I have with my B. badis badis . they grow to more than 2 times the size of the Darios . Never had any problem with them eating , but they aren't as small as Darios

I think it could work in your large tank , try not to add too many more fish that prefer the bottom [ for now ] , even in a large tank real estate can become an issue .

So are they all in the big tank now ?

The one Dario I had was for a short time , He did well for a short 3 weeks in my tank , he wasn't even an inch long . I'll try them again when I can find some ...........
Naw, don't shoot messengers.

I'm not much concerned about the cockatoos. I've had them in my large community tank, and they have been fine. The pygmies are all over the tank. They swim a lot and don't just stay on the bottom. The only ones I am concerned about are the dario dario. Them I will look into. So far no one seems bothered by them, but they are still getting their bearings. If I need to move the red fellows around I have suitable accommodations. I have some three gallon eclipses for bettas that would be perfect for the darios.

As to the sparklers, honeys, cockatoos and pygmies. I am pretty certain they will co exist. If there is a rebel he can be moved. The three sparklers in the tank now and the four in the quarantine tank have been swimming together and such all along. There were concerns expressed when I had the pumila first together months ago, but there has not been a hint of trouble. Apistodave recommended the agassazi red tail as tankmates for the Orange flash in the tank I described.

The solution often recommended with many species for harassing treatment for the gal is to have several gals. As I said, if the tank is too small and not enough territories can be created for the number I have, I will separate some. If a species won't get along, I'll move them or even take them back. The only problem I see is the darui dario except my tendency to overstock. :-( :drool:

Thanks for the heads up, Elisabeth, I will sure be on the lookout and be researching.
No, Lucky, they are in a 40 usg Tall. They were in a 20 not really that planted, but they are so small they could get under just about anything. It is the same amount of fish (except the cockatoos) now with more plants and hidy places. I have some more to put in and think I can get it acceptable. I hope the boys didn't eat the girls while I wasn't looking. So far I've seen about 3 boys and 3 girls of the darios. They are very small. They are more bottom half than bottom. They seem to tend to swim higher than the cockatoos and more darty than glide. As far as I can see all the fish in the tank are comfortable and swim all over, even in the open. About 1/4th is heavy to the top with foxtail and anacharis (plastic) groves. I can thicken that up more. I just saw the cockatoo and one of his ladies scaning the top quite boldly.

The cockatoos go readily to the top, as do all the fish. The tank isn't as deep as the 100 usg. haha I don't have a 125.

The filter is a Whisper, which with some good tall plants and the duckweed should make the gouramis happy.

I have been feeding live blackworms and frozen bloodworms and mysis shrimp to all my tanks. I have been careful to be sure to feed meat to the darios since I read they were meat eaters. I believe I read something about the scarlet dario darios being in families. I will have to go back to the links you gave me and start some new research. I never got my ID cleared with yahoo to get on that forum with apisto. I have yahoo too. :/

I don't think I would chance the darios in a regular community tank. The clowns might even snack on them.

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