Scarlet Reef Hermits


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2006
Reaction score
Lakewood, CA
I recently bought 3 scarlet hermits, and plan on buying more soon. like most invertebrates, i noticed one of mine molted already, (realized it was a molt after my sister called me claiming something in my tank had killed one of my hermits, not the case). so my question is, since they do molt, does this mean that they will need bigger shells in the future? if so, do you just throw in some bigger shells, or are their shells going to be a permanent home always for them?
Yeah, you should always leave plenty of spare shells in there or they will turn on your snails for their shells :S

I've found they prefer cerith snail shaped shells so try and throw them some of them :good:
Yeah, ultimately you'll need some shells in there. My scarlets aren't that aggressive, but my stupid bluelegs most certainly are. Some empty shells will most certainly help the cause :D
I also have 3 hermits. I don't think they're happy tho.

They don't move round much normally but in the past couple of days 1 of them has deserted it's shell and gone wandering round it's tank. There are spare shells of assorted size dotted about but it doesn't seem to want them.

My water is perfect as far as I can tell (I test daily and take tests for comparison at my lfs as I'm new to marine).

Any ideas?? :crazy:
yea my LFS gave me several cerith/turbo snail shells, and i just tossed them into my tank. no one's homed them yet, out of my six, but i see their molting so i know they are doing good. very active, and keepin my rocks clean. make sure u get some snail shells in there b/c if the hermit is moving without any shell, he wont last very long, he needs his shell to survive. so get on that fast.
I put some of the shells a bit closer to him last night but when I got up this morning he apperars to be dead :-(

I am also a bit worried about one of he other hermits as he's upside down with his claws hanging out and is not moving.

I don't really want to get my poking stick out unless I have to but I figure maybe the disurbance of removing the dead one might wake him up a bit.

I really don't understand what's up with them though because my water is fine!! I did a water change last night and my snails went crazy afterwards!!
the one thats upside down, i would watch for awhile. this can be common, it happens with me all the time. usually it means they are about to molt, as they grow restless several days before and after they do so. if you see his body, move in and out, everytime something aproaches, then you should be fine. but keep a good eye on him.
He knows I'm there and if I make a sudden move near the tank he hides in the shell as far as he can fit. He does look a bit squashed though. Am going to find him some new shells tomorrow.
ok thats a good sign then. yea u could put a couple shells in there, but he may not need them yet. none of mine have moved shells yet, and ive had them for like 5 months. they'll look squished sometimes, but its ok, they actually have plenty of room. good luck
He knows I'm there and if I make a sudden move near the tank he hides in the shell as far as he can fit. He does look a bit squashed though. Am going to find him some new shells tomorrow.

Check your ammonia.

My crabs had very peculiar behavior before they died during my 2nd tank crash.


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