Scarlet Hawkfish & Skunk Cleaner Shrimp


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
Has anyone kept these two together?

I've read conflicting reports about the hawkfish's likelyhood of eating the shrimp based on how well fed they are.

The shrimp's body is about the same length as the fish I have seen, do you think it's likely to be a problem?
Possibly. Their diet as you probably know consists of Crustaceans, so its probably risky, even if the shrimp is of considerable size. I have heard the same reports though. Some Hawks don't touch shrimp, others will. I wondered if it was more to do with temperament/interest in live prey, rather than how well you feed because your Hawk is bound to become hungry at some point, and they hunt frequently, there not going to "wait for dinner" from one of us. :lol:
i have a falco's hawk which i read b4 i bought it that it was the most peacful hawks and he didnt touch my cleaner shrimp which was the same size as him but he did kill my peppermint that was about half his size. also he killed a few of my fish that were same length as him. and he was very well feed every day.

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