Scarlet Badis


New Member
Feb 21, 2007
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does anybody know much about this fish called a scarlet badis?? is it commonly sold in LFS? how big does it grow? looks like a really cool fish
I have three (dario dario) there is one in my avatar. Only problem with them is feeding, they eat some frozen food, bloodworm as long as they see it moving but don’t take flake or any other prepared food for me. They are quite slow by comparison to other fish and really small they stalk the food. They like lots of plant cover and are quite shy. I have three all male (no females in lfs) in a four foot community tank with fish that don’t bother the darios. I have had them about eight months, they are very stunning little fish.
I bought 4 for a jewel 70 litre tank and kept them with African dwarf frogs. They are fantastic little things and every few weeks I'd spot a baby lurking in the java moss. After a few months I had 11 of the little rascals. The males were territorial and would display at any male that came close by extending their fins and shaking with fury. :D

I fed mine frozen bloodworm and daphnia, plus live daphnia - a favourite - and grindal worms. In the 8 months I had them they never touched flake food (they were given away as i needed to clear my tanks for a house move).

I bought mine from a chain store in south Manchester who'd labeled them 'red dario', an old name. I've not seen them for sale since, a pity as I'd like them again. They are full of personality and a real joy to watch.
Name is a bit mixed up I see. They are Badis dario (Scarlet Badis) from India. Very soft acid water, little or no flow. Lots of plants or leaf litter, peat filteration. Ammonia sensitive (chuck a bit of Poly Filter in). 3.5cm is a big fish. Sexable & slightly variable in colour depending on mood & conditions....some can even appear almost white like an albino.
I just got a group of 6 Brown Striped Badis Badis for 60pence Each.

They are amazing fish and have always wanted them.
Will They Stalk my Endlers or stay in the Marimo Balls and Bogwood.

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