Scarlet Badis


New Member
Mar 6, 2006
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I have just bought three Scarlet Badis, fish shop man said they were ok community, with no particular problems relating to keeping them.I have now done a bit of reading up on the net and some suggest that they will not accept flake food and must be fed on live or frozen.
Yes I know you should check before you buy and that not all fish shop staff know what they are talking about.
Has anyone any experience of these fish and there diet.
I have just bought three Scarlet Badis, fish shop man said they were ok community, with no particular problems relating to keeping them.I have now done a bit of reading up on the net and some suggest that they will not accept flake food and must be fed on live or frozen.
Yes I know you should check before you buy and that not all fish shop staff know what they are talking about.
Has anyone any experience of these fish and there diet.

I've never kept this species but have kept close relatives.
Mine took small live & defrosted frozen foods & eventually granules after feeding Prima mixed with defrosted daphnia & cyclops. I never got any Badis to take flake.
If you keep them as if theu were wild caught Apistogrammas you won't go far wrong. They need similar conditions & IME behave more like shy dwarf cichlids than most gouramis.

I have just bought three Scarlet Badis, fish shop man said they were ok community, with no particular problems relating to keeping them.I have now done a bit of reading up on the net and some suggest that they will not accept flake food and must be fed on live or frozen.
Yes I know you should check before you buy and that not all fish shop staff know what they are talking about.
Has anyone any experience of these fish and there diet.

I've never kept this species but have kept close relatives.
Mine took small live & defrosted frozen foods & eventually granules after feeding Prima mixed with defrosted daphnia & cyclops. I never got any Badis to take flake.
If you keep them as if theu were wild caught Apistogrammas you won't go far wrong. They need similar conditions & IME behave more like shy dwarf cichlids than most gouramis.


thanks Sue what did you do for feeding during holidays when thw tank is left for a couple of weeks.
thanks Sue what did you do for feeding during holidays when thw tank is left for a couple of weeks.
I had discus at the same time so had a fish savvy friend pop in every other day & feed frozen food 7 check the tanks.

For a few days a bag of live daphnia just before you leave should be ok.
If you get them on to prima you could use an auto feeder.
I've never actually seen mine eat, the only reason i know they are is that i occasionally see them with hanging poo :X They are very slow feeders, as nmonks said in a previous thread of mine, so you will have to keep an eye out to make sure that they are not getting outcompeted for food by other fish.

Also, out of curiousity, what is the gender ratio of your fish, and how large is the tank? My two males are in a 20g tank and still occasionally get into scrapes over territory.

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