Scarlet Badis (Dario Dario)


Fish Crazy
Apr 24, 2015
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So my LFS job finally got a shipment of Scarlet Badis (Dario Dario) last Friday, and I took the opportunity to pick up two of them yesterday! I tried getting a male and a few females but I could only find one female out of about ten males. 
I've spent so long and traveled to so many places to find these guys. But they're so tiny and doing pretty well in their new 15 gallon home. They live with a few cherry shrimp, they seem to peacefully co-exist with each other. The male though, seems a bit territorial at the moment, he's claimed the driftwood as his property and chases the female away to hide in the foliage of the cryptocoryne bushes. 
These guys are classified as micro or nano fish, because they stay super small in size, anywhere from 12-20 mm. 
A few times I've witnessed them swimming together, they're very finicky and often dart for every movement they make. 
I let them acclimate for about an hour and a half using the drip method, when I allowed them entry into the 15 gallon, the male immediately went and hid behind the staurogyne and the female just kind of lingered below the surface, getting her bearings.
The female was actually more brave than the male, it only took a few minutes for her to become accustomed and swim up to me as I approached the tank. 
I haven't attempted to feed them just yet. Mostly because I have a feeling they won't eat anything I try to feed them, at least for a while. However, they have been snacking on micro crustaceans, nematodes and other micro critters they can find. But later I'll attempt to feed them live flightless fruit flies. (try saying that 10 times fast). I can probably get away with feeding them frozen blood worms and/or brine shrimp. And maybe, just maybe they'll snack on the Omega One Micro Pellets. I must take extra precaution when feeding them, I've read that they develop obesity very easily, so I'm not quite too sure how I'll take this approach but I'll soon figure something out. As for now, there's plenty of micro creatures to peck at...
Still a lot of observations and learning to come when taking care of these guys. I've already done a lot of research on these guys before hand, but the internet lacks a lot of information and care reports for these little guys. Not sure if there's any information on these forums about Badis species, but if there already isn't I'll try to provide first hand observations for anyone that might be intrigued. 
I've been having a problem posting pictures to the forums, but I will be adding photos as soon as  I can. :)
As for now, I'll provide a simple image of the male and female I've pulled off the internet.
On the left is the male and on the right is the female. 
Thanks for sharing your experiences! It was probably wrong of me to post this in the Tropical Discussions, Should I move it if possible?
I kept a group of these for a while.  Loved the little guys.  Actually getting a pair is difficult since the submissive males will look like females a lot of the times and females are hard to come by so I hope you lucked up and got a for sure female.  Either way they should work out together in a tank of that size.  

As for feeding, they do best with tiny live foods.  My foods of choice were live nemotodes (microworms, banana worms, walter worms), frozen baby brine shrimp, and baby live grindal worms.  They really do not handle regular frozen brine shrimp or bloodworms very well most times since the size of the food is a bit more than they can handle.  Live foods in the tank like scuds or daphnia would probably work awesome as well.  

Good luck with them they are a great little fish!
RainboWBacoN420 said:
Thanks for sharing your experiences! It was probably wrong of me to post this in the Tropical Discussions, Should I move it if possible?
Do not worry, nothing is ever wrong, and if the mods felt it was better elsewhere they would move it for you.

I do agree they are great fish, yet also as in my topic, felt I had more interesting activity with other fish such as Celeste Danios, who are breeding and more active. I agree with WB about the male/female issue, yet I am now sure I do have some females, as they are fatter and show different characteristics. Good luck with yours, keep us posted, and you never know they may breed, especially if you manage to get more females at any time.
Yesterday, I couldn't find the male anywhere, hopefully he's not dead somewhere. That, or he's hiding in the driftwood or rocks.
The female on the other hand is swimming about everywhere, she inches closer and closer very cautiously when I'm at the front of the tank. 
But that male... Ugh, I really hope he's not dead in the driftwood. I'm hoping I'll find him today when I return home. :/
Oh no, I hope you find him too.
I actually did, the next day I found him swimming about. Everyone is fine.
In fact Kylo and Phasma (the names they were given) were even swimming together peacefully, they seem very calm and relaxed.
Unfortunately, one of the cherry shrimps had died, not sure if that may have had anything to do with the badis. 
Great news, hopefully you can get some pics of them to share soon :)

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