Scarlet Badis Badis


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Hudson, Wisconsin USA
I saw one of these guys at a fish store recently. He was about .5" long, now I've been looking around on the internet but I can't figure out how big these guys get. I'm getting answers between 2cm to 3inches :S . Anybody know there max size?

Thanks, Mikaila31
there are several different fish that fall under the "badis badis" name. Scarlet badis shouldn't get over 3/4 inch long.

There is very little info about them on the internet, but you can search under dario dario and badis bengalensis and get info on the same fish.
I picked a pair of them up, yet sadly the female pass away shortly after I released them into the tank. The male though is doing fine and has already eaten some bloodworms. He is very bold and isn't camera shy at all :wub: .


I love these fish and wanted to keep some myself, but they are practically unknown here. Lovely male! :wub:
Does anyone know how long these guys live? I would like to try my hand at breeding them some time but can't get another tank until I go to collage(1 year away), then there are no rules about how many tanks I can have :shifty: .
I got some very small fish today labelled 'Badis'. They looked selfposessed and purposeful although tiny and you are right, there is very little information about them anywhere. Mine are less than 2cms long and as I put them into a darkened tank I haven't seen them properly yet. Roll on tomorrow when I can put the lights on and see just what I have...
I've also just bought 3 scarlet badis (1 male, 2 female), they are lovely little fish. Mine never stop swimming so I can never get a picture of them! :grr: They grow to a maximum of 1.5 inches.
wow. absolutely stunning. do you think i could get a pair for a 6 gallon. if i could i would either get the badis, or some celestial pearl danios. what would you suggest
I've also just bought 3 scarlet badis (1 male, 2 female), they are lovely little fish. Mine never stop swimming so I can never get a picture of them! :grr: They grow to a maximum of 1.5 inches.

Actually, scarlet badis do not get that large. 1 inch would be extremely large, let alone one and a half. They are a "dwarf badis" hence they're popularity for nano tanks. There are other species of Badis that do get that size but this is not one of them.

They are lovely fish but I would watch having a male and two females. Don't know what size your tank is but a friend of mine meant to breed them and when the male and one of the females paired up they proceeded to harrass and beat the extra female. If your tank is large enough they may get on but they act very much like dwarf cichlids and can be aggressive with their own kind.
One of the females died shortly after she was introduced to the tank so only the pair left. Also both the male and female in my tank are at least 1" if not slightly more.

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