Scaredy Cats


Fish Fanatic
Dec 15, 2006
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Hi - I just wondered if it was "normal" for Bandit Cories to be really shy and timid? We have 4 of them in a 70 litre tank with 6 lemon tetras and 3 platies. When I watch from the doorway I can see them swimming about looking for food or up and down the glass - but as soon as I go anywhere near the tank they shoot off into the plants or into their cave. If I sit and wait 5 minutes or so they will come out until I move. Would they be happier with a couple more buddies (although I think I think I am fully stocked as it is)? They don't seem sick or anything but I can't get close enough to look properly without them disappearing off!
have you had them long? new fish can often be scared of movement near the tank.

is the tank in a 'high traffic' area of the house? if they're used to peace and quiet in the room it's natural they'd get spooked when someone comes by, if they're in a high traffic area while they'll probably hide a fair bit at first they should become accustomed to the movement and not get scared so easily.

they shouldn't be getting too scared in a group of 4, however i'd up it to 6 because they will be that little bit happier, I think you've just about room in your stocking for another couple of cories providing the tank is well filtered and maintained.
I've had my bandits for a long time now and they still swim away when I approach the tank. My similis and pepper cories are the same. The only cory that doesn't swim away from me are the albinos. I have seven albinos though, and only three bandits and similis, and two peppers. So it could be the that there are a less number of them as Miss Wiggle mentioned.
We've had them about 6 weeks now - we started with 3 but one died after 3 days :sad: so we got 2 more. The tank is in the dining room so generally the only time we go in is to look at and look after the fish so that's probably what's happening Miss Wiggle. We will consider getting a couple more but we bought the ones we have in a shop we have decided we don't like very much and are fairly dear (£6) - so we would have to see if the shop we do like will get them in for us.
Thanks for the advice Miss Wiggle and Lynz. :)

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