

The things we do for our fish..
May 23, 2006
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Somerset, England
Ive been keeping fish for 3 years now and every single Plec I have (3 Bns and 1 Golden Nugget) always freak out if i get even 2ft away from the tank. Forget about me getting photos of them, no chance. The tanks are well scaped and so they feel secure but they all run for the hills when anyone approaches. Is it just me/my plecs or does this just generally happen?
i have a 204 flash pleco, hes been in my tank about 5 months now, i have to sneak up when tank lights are out, the only time i can get a good look at him is when ive put cucumber in, and he only eats that just 1 hour before lights out :huh: , how does he know that :blink: .
Lol, both of my BN's rush off when they see me, especially the larger of the 2. I think they do it just to annoy us because they know we want to get good pictures. :p
The smaller the plecs, the more likely they are to freak out. My little snowballs run when they see us coming, but the big boys come hang on the glass to greet you. The big guys will take food from your hand (provided it's interesting food!) but the little ones are under something as soon as they see you coming. I think if they are small young ones, they just hide because they are protecting themselves. I remember when the twin were little, we barely saw them, but they are constantly out now.
My BN's hide sometimes when they see me. whenever i open the lid htey swim off under some wood or plants. I think it is just something they do to protect themselves aswell.

My Bristle nose dont swim away at all. Infact when I vacum the bottom of the tank they swim up to see whats going on :nod:
I havent tried, but if i held cucumber in my hand i bet they would swim up and start snacking :D they love it so much :nod:
I have a fully grown BN who doesn't run away at all, though he used to hide a lot when I first got him. I also made a cave where he could hide from other fish but I could still see him through the glass. My newest female BN is always hiding whenever I get near though. Hopefully she'll get more confident like the others. I think it depends on their environment and how safe they feel.
sometimes my larger one is ok and wont move but sometimes will but my little one always does. i always sneak into my room to catch them offguard hehe.


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