right ive got 2 baby bn's (Albino) in with my discus at 32degree's on planet catfish it says 26degree's is this ok?
Also, i think i have one male and oe female as i bough them bth at 1" and in 2 months one is 2" and the other is 1 1/2"the bgger one has bristles on the side of its head like 1mm long. is this a sign of being a male. and the other being a female?
i would love for them to breed.
and just another question wwhat should i feed them on mostly as im trying things but my discus eat it ive put in cucumber zucinni letuce prawns. and the discus eat it lol. they are regular fed algae wafters and i assume they get some bloodworm that goes to the bottom but other than that they just eat ll my real algae and spend lots of time on the bogwood.
many thanks!
Also, i think i have one male and oe female as i bough them bth at 1" and in 2 months one is 2" and the other is 1 1/2"the bgger one has bristles on the side of its head like 1mm long. is this a sign of being a male. and the other being a female?
i would love for them to breed.
and just another question wwhat should i feed them on mostly as im trying things but my discus eat it ive put in cucumber zucinni letuce prawns. and the discus eat it lol. they are regular fed algae wafters and i assume they get some bloodworm that goes to the bottom but other than that they just eat ll my real algae and spend lots of time on the bogwood.
many thanks!