Scared For My Bn's

Jan 1, 2007
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Kingsteignton, South Devon UK
right ive got 2 baby bn's (Albino) in with my discus at 32degree's on planet catfish it says 26degree's is this ok?

Also, i think i have one male and oe female as i bough them bth at 1" and in 2 months one is 2" and the other is 1 1/2"the bgger one has bristles on the side of its head like 1mm long. is this a sign of being a male. and the other being a female?

i would love for them to breed.

and just another question wwhat should i feed them on mostly as im trying things but my discus eat it :crazy: ive put in cucumber zucinni letuce prawns. and the discus eat it lol. they are regular fed algae wafters and i assume they get some bloodworm that goes to the bottom but other than that they just eat ll my real algae and spend lots of time on the bogwood.

many thanks!

right ive got 2 baby bn's (Albino) in with my discus at 32degree's on planet catfish it says 26degree's is this ok?

Also, i think i have one male and oe female as i bough them bth at 1" and in 2 months one is 2" and the other is 1 1/2"the bgger one has bristles on the side of its head like 1mm long. is this a sign of being a male. and the other being a female?

i would love for them to breed.

and just another question wwhat should i feed them on mostly as im trying things but my discus eat it :crazy: ive put in cucumber zucinni letuce prawns. and the discus eat it lol. they are regular fed algae wafters and i assume they get some bloodworm that goes to the bottom but other than that they just eat ll my real algae and spend lots of time on the bogwood.

many thanks!


Hi If they have grown that much so far I wouldnt worry about them getting enough to eat :) Lots of veggies.. Cucumber etc shelled peas are also good for nutrition and mine seen to like them and the usual plec food. Temp is a little high at 32.. i keep mine at about 28.
It does sound like you have a pair there but the other may grow bristles yet. BNs tend to be dominant so if one is already showing signs of being male this may slow down the other development a bit so he may get his bristles later. As for breeding them, If they are from the same batch of fry then you may get birth defects if they breed. Its always better to breed non related fish for obvious reasons.
Hi If they have grown that much so far I wouldnt worry about them getting enough to eat :) Lots of veggies.. Cucumber etc shelled peas are also good for nutrition and mine seen to like them and the usual plec food. Temp is a little high at 32.. i keep mine at about 28.
It does sound like you have a pair there but the other may grow bristles yet. BNs tend to be dominant so if one is already showing signs of being male this may slow down the other development a bit so he may get his bristles later. As for breeding them, If they are from the same batch of fry then you may get birth defects if they breed. Its always better to breed non related fish for obvious reasons.

Few... thats put my mind at rest. i could lower the temp maybe to 30deg but not sure if discus would like it? the bn's ar always out and doing things. but i dont wanna roast them! and yes i heard that, if theres more than one male then the other male ill stop growing etc. so that may be the case!

o and i got the bn's from the same shop and same tank :( so maybe if they breed ill feed the eggs or fry the my discus.
Having too high a temperature (for whichever species concerned) can be a risky business....
It leads to an increase in oxygen requirement so the additonal effort required for the fish can lead to permanent gill damage and/or nervousness and/or stress. If the fish is traditionally a lake dweller following the correct temperature becomes more important as many tropical lakes remain quite a steady temeperature wheras if they dwell in moving water in their natural environment they'll be built better to adapt to temperature changes...
Keep an eye on their gills to make sure they are not working too hard to breathe.....
I also read somewhere that due to the possible effects on diet and behaviour of fish it can lead to a reduced life-span..... Although it would aid their growth....
You are probably best confirming this with more knowledgable fish lovers....
Thanks, they never breathe heavily just a normal breathe rate. i will cheack it and when there is a slight change in thre breathing. i will have to setup another tank. or just drop the discus temp slightly. thanks :D

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