Scared Fish


Oct 20, 2005
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I know that when you buy and bring hom e anew fish they are a little scared at first sometimes. I bought a crowntial from the petstore here on Sunday, bought him a 2.5 Gallon tank, with plants etc. He still hasn't eaten. He seems to live under the plants. Sometimes when i come into my room, if he is not under the plants, he quickly goes there if he sees me. And this morning he was up near the top, and when i put some food in, he swam away very very quickly and hid.

I don't know what's wrong with him, and how to fix it. Any help is appreciated.

Ohhh, yeah and my pet store here, now sells veiltails, crowntails, deltas and halfmoons. I don't think this is common for a petstore to. Am i right?

Edit: just as a side note, does anyone have cute fish pictures? like cartoony ones? On my project for class, on the last page i want to have a fish waving goodbye or something, like jumping out of a bowl or something. if anyone has any can i please use it?
People around the forum say that you dont feed him for like the first 2 days just so he gets really hungry and tries your food. They call that "Fasting". For the comment on how the pet stores are selling more varieties of fish thats great! The local petco only sells VT'S :sad: . Try feeding your betta a variety of food. Like small Hikari pellets and for a treat some bloodworms maybe 4. Only feed your betta bloodworms like every other day. Thats wat I heard. unless you want your betta to become fat like mine. Mine is on a diet. :lol: , his belly is getting a little big.


P.S: sorry I dont have any cartoony pix of fish. ;)
:/ I would think he'd be eating by now though. . .

This might be an odd question - but do you see poop???

I once rescued a fish that had nearly all his back fin cut off.
(Here's a pic)
Aiko Day 1
(Doesn't he look soo sad!!)

(Then this is like 1mo laters)
1mo Later

Anyways - he was very scared at first. . . more like tramuatized if you know what I mean.

Give your lil' guy some time and his personality will shine through. :wub
Thats what happened to my other fish :( but it still wouldnt eat so it died. :(

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