Scared Cories


Fish Fanatic
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
UK, Lancashire
my cories hide under the bogwood all day, they only come out when the light in the tank and room is off.
when they were the only fish in the tank they came out a bit doing that wierd dance at the front of the glass :D
but since i added more fish they've became very shy?
What have you added and how long have the new fish been there? It could be that the new fish are nipping them, or it's more likely that the change of new fish has surprised them. I'm sure they'll be back to normal soon.
I agree with ghostchoir, but even so, I believe that my Cories in cory only tanks are more visible and sometimes even more so in species only tanks.

Also some species of Cory are more shy than others.
they are just normal cory sterbai, i've added some dwarf gouramis, zebra danio. cardinal tetras and bristlenoses and the cories have been in there since christmas
they are just normal cory sterbai, i've added some dwarf gouramis, zebra danio. cardinal tetras and bristlenoses and the cories have been in there since christmas

But the question is how many of each fish and how big the tank. That affect the shyness/outgoing of Corys.
Cories are very shy creatures with few defenses. Once they are startled by tank changes it can take months and months for them to get their confidence back, even in a species only tank. If they are suddenly in a very active environment with new non cory tank mates, they can be very cautious. If no one is chasing them or tormenting them, just give them time and they will most likely come out to play and eat eventually.
When i first got mine they used to be out playing all the time through the day and rarely rested. Now times have changed, they seem to come out and be more livelier at night before i turn the light off.
My experience with that new syndrome is that when they first get together in a new place (where they are safe), they do the Cory Dance or the Nice To Meet You Dance or the Let's Get Aquainted Dance or just the Happy Cory Dance. After awhile they settle into daily life, but if conditions are right they will do the Sexy Dance instead. But put a new Cory friend in and you will again see the Happy to Meet You Cory Dance.

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