Scales Above The Pectorial Fin.


Sep 23, 2005
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Vancouver Island, BC

See the flesh colored scales above his pectorial fin? Is that normal? Also do you know why his rays look thinner than before?


That's a picture from a couple of weeks ago. Not he's not in full flare in the first picture, but his tail is more angular now and his anal rays look much thinner. :blink:
Wow, that's quite a difference.

How long have you had him? Maybe it's finrot or some kind of internal parasite. It looks quite odd :/ Hopefully someone else will know for sure. In the mean time, just do frequent water changes, add some Bettamax, and look at the pinned topics and on Google about common betta illnesses.
CTs need alot cleaner water then the other tail types, to keep their rays looking supurb. Try uping your water change routine a day and see if that doesn't help. I also just read (on here just the other day) that sunlight helps improve their finnage as you might wanna let him "sunbathe" a couple days a week.

As far as the scales, it looks like he is either really full (just ate?) or is a tad constipated and the scales are stretched out. Try giving him a pea.
CTs need alot cleaner water then the other tail types, to keep their rays looking supurb. Try uping your water change routine a day and see if that doesn't help. I also just read (on here just the other day) that sunlight helps improve their finnage as you might wanna let him "sunbathe" a couple days a week.

As far as the scales, it looks like he is either really full (just ate?) or is a tad constipated and the scales are stretched out. Try giving him a pea.
The sun also makes 'em freak out too.
CTs need alot cleaner water then the other tail types, to keep their rays looking supurb. Try uping your water change routine a day and see if that doesn't help. I also just read (on here just the other day) that sunlight helps improve their finnage as you might wanna let him "sunbathe" a couple days a week.

As far as the scales, it looks like he is either really full (just ate?) or is a tad constipated and the scales are stretched out. Try giving him a pea.
The sun also makes 'em freak out too.

Yeah... The last time I forgot to put my betta out of the water it ended up hiding under the filter to get away from the sun. Now hes normal.
CTs need alot cleaner water then the other tail types, to keep their rays looking supurb. Try uping your water change routine a day and see if that doesn't help. I also just read (on here just the other day) that sunlight helps improve their finnage as you might wanna let him "sunbathe" a couple days a week.

As far as the scales, it looks like he is either really full (just ate?) or is a tad constipated and the scales are stretched out. Try giving him a pea.
The sun also makes 'em freak out too.
Freak out? Do you think they come from caves? Do you think no one has tanks that sit near windows? I mean jeeze-us, come on lol. Fish don't freak when you put them near light. Sunlight is no more bright then a tank/hood's just more beneficial...since it's natural.

Exactly what do you mean freak out? 'Cas unless you mean get excited..I'm gonna have to disagree on that one. Sorry.

Yeah... The last time I forgot to put my betta out of the water it ended up hiding under the filter to get away from the sun. Now hes normal.
That makes no sense what-so-ever. Do you mean when you take it out of water? I still can't make sense of that post...maybe after I take my midterms, I'll try and read it again or something.
CTs need alot cleaner water then the other tail types, to keep their rays looking supurb. Try uping your water change routine a day and see if that doesn't help. I also just read (on here just the other day) that sunlight helps improve their finnage as you might wanna let him "sunbathe" a couple days a week.

As far as the scales, it looks like he is either really full (just ate?) or is a tad constipated and the scales are stretched out. Try giving him a pea.

He's has a pea about one a week.. He's in a 4g, mini under gravel filter (on the very lowest level). I change his water every three days, should I increase it then?

Edit: And there is no sun I'm afraid. It's been raining the last three, almost four weeks straight.
well with a 4 gallon you don't have to change the water that often. You could go about 2 weeks, do a 50% change, then go another week and a half and do a 100% change.

I'm not a big fan of UGFs...they stressed my fish out....personally I'd take it out, but that's just's really that's your preference how to filter it. With a filter in there, and a UGF at that, your water change schedule would actually change..but I'm afraid, not knowing alot about UGFs, that I can't offer advice on that.

As far as the sun goes..if you wanted to try it...they have those grow lights at could toy around with one of those if you really wanted too...but I don't think that is your problem here. I just read that it was beneficial to them is all I meant by that part of my post...I'm not even sure "how" acurate it is.

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