Say Hello To Miikka


Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada




I guess I went into the LFS after a new shipment, 'cause there was all kinds of perty bettas - even a halfmoon! But he had ich. :( A lot of their fish had ich, so I had to be careful...

Since we didn't get the one my boyfriend wanted (a blue VT), I decided we could name him after a hockey player to make him happy. :p
Very Nice! :drool: :drool: Just gotta watch him for ick now being as so many others had it. Use Aquarium salt, that should prevent him from getting it. :nod:
He's a gorgeous colour.....very very nice :wub:
he is a handsome boy, though it wont hurt to have salt in and a good ich med on hand so you can treat things the moment you spot it- I have learned that lesson the hard way.
Yep, I've got some aquarium salt and ich medication at home. :nod: I shall be watching him closely. So far he seems quite happy and active and is eating well. I tried to show him a mirror to see if he'd flare, but he just kinda sat there and admired himself. :lol:
beautiful - but then again most bettas are, its why i love them!
Guess who I caught with a bubble nest in his tank this morning! :hyper: Glad to know he's happy in his new tank after only a couple days. :p I finally got some pics of him flaring.

...well, most of him. :lol:

He's got some sort of Elvis cowlick thing going on with his dorsal. :p

It was hard to get good pics. He would not stay still for more than a second. Here he is doing some sort of fancy twirling acrobatics I guess. :p
WOW! Stunner... I love the pink on his fins. True pink is hard to find, it's usually a weird looking mix of blue and red.
Huh... :huh: I guess he does have a bit of pink. :lol: Can't really see it from the pics but the webbing in between his rays is a nice purple. Wait. Maybe the purple just came out as pink in the photos... :huh: Or maybe it is pink... Bah, I can't tell! He changes color in different lights! D:

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