Saw the cutest betta at Petsmart today


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
Okay so I had to go to Petsmart to get some parasite meds for my 120 gallon. I thought I would just find a big bottle of Clout or something for a few dollars, but all they had was Jungle Clear parasite tablets. And each packet only had 8 and my tank would need 12 just for one dosage so I had to buy like 4 packs of the stuff. :rolleyes: Which cost about $20.00 :/

I saw this cute little VT male betta in a tiny cup and his water was bright blue. :blink: Don't know if he was being treated or if they are using "colored" water now to advertise the bettas. :dunno: :no: But he his body was mostly pink and then he had bright purple rays in his fins and then the rest of his body was a dark purple/blue. :wub: I wanted him so bad...but I know that I need to treat my fish I have for the parasites more than I needed that betta. :nod:

I suppose I will go back maybe this weekend and see if he is still there. Hopefully he will be and I can pick him up. :D
Grim Reaper said:
oh i have seen that blue water thing my LFS told me that is some kind of stress coat
Okay, just making sure they weren't doing another cruel thing to the bettas. :p :nod:
It's Methylene Blue - meds for several illnesses that fish can have when the come in.
I hope he's still there waiting for you.
You know he's probably saying to himself....
Man I hope that chick that came by today comes back to get me this weekend. :)
Methalyne Blue helps fish that have been recently shipped and were in dirty water too long..helps detozify them. It's also used as ageneral disease preventative aide. Main use though it to help prevent fungus on eggs.
Of course I did! Not only did I get him, but I got another one as well. :p The other one looks like Angus, but with more blue in his fins, and the one I picked out...well...he is just all kinds of colors! :p

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