Saw Something I Didn't Recognize.


Fish Herder
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
Went to a FS today that I don't get to very often and saw a couple of teeny plecos that I didn't recognize. I was wondering if anyone here would be able to tell me what type it is? There were two of them and they were less than an inch long. They were a light-medium shade of grey with grey or cream-colored spots that were not very well defined, and there were vertical black bars on the tail. The dorsal fin was being hugged to the top of the body so I didn't get a good look at it. Any ideas of what they might be?

Went to a FS today that I don't get to very often and saw a couple of teeny plecos that I didn't recognize. I was wondering if anyone here would be able to tell me what type it is? There were two of them and they were less than an inch long. They were a light-medium shade of grey with grey or cream-colored spots that were not very well defined, and there were vertical black bars on the tail. The dorsal fin was being hugged to the top of the body so I didn't get a good look at it. Any ideas of what they might be?


What you are describing sound like rubbernose plecos to me. They are fairly common in fishstores, if in fact they are rubbernoses that is. When I got mine he was less than an inch long, but he is closing in on 2 inches now. I'll try and get you a picture of him, but he likes to hide under his bogwood, so some luck is going to have to occur if I am to get a pic.

Rez B)
I'm sorry I guess I didn't describe the color well enough. From what I have seen, rubber nose plecs have darker spots on a lighter body, right? These had lighter spots on a medium toned body.
The only picture I could find online that looks remotely like it is this one:

I'm still not even sure this is exactly what I saw because they were so so small, but I think it was...
So that picture I linked to is a rubbernose pleco? I never knew they could look like that. Shows how much I know! :look:
Well, if thats what they are then I might go back and get one or two. So you guys are sure? Did you look at the picture I linked to? I don't have a big enough tank for a large pleco (my biggest tank is already going to be overstocked when everything grows out) so I need something that'll stay small. It'll be going in a 20 gallon. The pictures I'm finding when I google "rubber nose pleco" do not look like the fish I saw yesterday.
Thanks for putting up with me. I've never had a pleco before and don't want the first one to be a bad choice.

So that picture I linked to is a rubbernose pleco? I never knew they could look like that. Shows how much I know! :look:

Nope that picture you linked to is a young common bristle nose ;)

They get to about 5" and get darker than that.. here are a couple of pictures of our old breeding pair.



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