Saving Fry


New Member
Nov 28, 2003
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Deland, Florida
Do you guys think it would be a good idea to siphone the fry to put in another tank? Because they stay up under gravel and I don't want them to get eaten cause my planting isn't too good as of now. What should I do? :dunno:
Siphoning fry is a very very bad idea. It can disfigure them. They are tiny as you obviously know and they can be hurt or killed by the siphoning. Like all babies they are fragile. If the gravel is too large (they can swim into it and get stuck) I would suggest either getting small gravel or a bare bottomed tank.
I rescind my comment. They should be just fine w/o the siphoning. Plus, they apparently survive pretty well b/c I saw a fry yesterday, and it had been in there for 2 weeks. Smaller gravel is also a good idea.
rather than using a cleaning syphon, use a turkey baster. the opening is wider so they won't get injured. just suck them up and squirt them into a container for transfer tothe otehr tank. thats how i separated my smaller fry. of course, once theyre a little bigger, they will be okay in the main tank and separating isn't necessary. what kind of fry are they? what else do you have in the tank? many will hide quite well in the gravel and still survive. or you could spend a few buck and get some fake plants geared towards fry (usually a short grassy like thing that sits onteh bottom of the tank). fake plants only cost a few dollars after all. i left a number of fry in my tank at first to see how they'd fair, and they actually grew faster and larger than the ones i separted.
catch them they are silly enough for them to jump into the net on their own thats what i find ne ways as the turkey baster never really works for me

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