saving cory eggs


Fish Connoisseur
Apr 5, 2005
Reaction score
Southampton, uk
Right, I've understood the bit about removing the parents (or the eggs) after spawning, but how do you keep the parents from eating the eggs during the actual act?

Both my couples are spawning this morning, and the same thing happens again and again. She sucks him off (sorry, I don't know a more elegant phrase to describe this), produces the eggs into her clutch, swims into the plant and rubs them off, turns around a bit in the plant, then swims off with an empty clutch and leaving an equally empty bush behind. From their last spawning I found one (1) egg; this time I doubt there's going to be any.

How do you explain that if they keep doing this, there won't be anyone to pay their pensions?

Do they think they do it for pleasure alone?
Well I was asking a similar question yesterday as I found cory eggs stuck to the glass and I have never come across them before. Do cories eat their own eggs/young? The whole night they were just stuck to the glass. No one ate them. I have now sectioned that part of the tank off in the hope some will survive.

This made me think that no they don't eat their own eggs but then having watched cories for awhile now, I have noticed they only eat food directly from the substrate and surfaces of things. I don't think they are intelligent enough to realise they are eating their own young. And perhaps the reason the eggs I found yesterday weren't eaten due to them being out of reach? I guess I'm just fortunate.
well my cories also spawned yesterday & within a couple of hours all the eggs had gone, not sure who ate them as i had to go out to get some liquidfry :blink: . but they were on my filter quite high up. managed to save 1 that was on a plant leaf that was floating round the tank so thats in the fry tank now. so have everything crossed that it will hatch :drool:
I know it is my corys who eat the eggs as I actually seen them do it before, and the one other fish in the tank (a platy) is tbh not the most quick-thinking of creatures.

Besides, this time I inspected the plant after she had rubbed around in it and it was empty- so was her clutch. I think that pretty well counts as being caught red-handed!

Trace, fingers crossed for you! Looks a bit like we're racing each other over this one. And we both seem to have livebearers who are set on filling our tanks instead...
will keep you informed dwarfgourami on weather this 1 egg hatches, hope it does :D even got the liquid fry in ready for it just in case lol

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