Saving A Fish


New Member
Jan 16, 2008
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I saw this betta at the pet shop while I was buying worms. She seem like she is crying to me saying she is sick of this life. I bought it for 5 dollar!!! And gave it these

*79 degress water
*Dried worms
*Life worms
*real plants

What else should I do to save this poor girl =[
Make sure you used conditioner the water to remove chlorine and heavy metals. Use freshwater aquarium salt (1/2 teaspoon per gallon) to reduce stress and help gill function. Use Melafix (10 drops per gallon for bettas) to reduce stress and help with slime coat as well as help with any fin damage. Other than this just make sure the water stays nice and warm and if she's really bad lower the water level so she doesn't have to swim so much to breath air. Also, if the tank isn't cycled be sure to do regular water changes. If she's in a 1 or 2 gallon tank I'd say do 50% water changes every other or every third day to keep her water really nice for her. Good luck, I hope she pulls through. :good:
the tank doesn't need to be cycled for a betta. be carefull with the dried worms as they can cause swim bladder but every thing else is fine, just keep the water clesn by doinf regular changes.

Can you describe any simptons she has i.e missing fins, pinned tail, swimming funny? This will help usdetermine if she needs any thing else to help her
Back fins are kinda crowntail but seem more like burned =[

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