Saving A Blue Jay


Mar 13, 2007
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The other day, I was outside, and I found a blue jay who my cat had attacked. I got him up and put him into my old cleaning cage and hung the cage up in the foyer. I've given him seeds and water and he seems to be doing fine, he eats them and all and drinks the water. He's got what looks like a broken wing, how long will it take him to heal up?
Probably a month, becasue in the wild, when birds get attacked, they die, so their body probably isnt used to healing that fast. Just my 2 cents.
It might need a splint so might be best to get it checked by a vet, also, if you plan to release it into the wild then make sure you don`t let it get too used to humans, other than that, very kind of you to bother to help it, well done!
Lots of cities have wild animal rescues. I'd call one up and see if they'll take him in. Also sometimes zoos will help to heal and rehabilitate wild animals. He needs to be cared for by someone with lots of experience in the area. Sometimes if a bird has broken a wing they won't regain flight, however it does turn out happily for lots of them!

Good luck with the little guy!
Heya dont know if you took it to the vet already?
but if you havent i thought id tell you as its a wild animal the vets cant charge you for the services they do for the animal.... :good:

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