Saved a couple of lives today


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Today I went to Walmart (and I swear, if you people dwell on that and get my thread closed I will strangle you :lol:) and went to check on the fish... there on the counter, sitting by the sink, were three female bettas that had been there for two weeks. They were separated from the rest of the bettas on display, which can only mean one thing... they were no longer considered worth trying to sell and were doomed for the toilet bowl.

I knew I had to do something, but I didn't have room for them to come home with me. I grabbed a bottle of Stress Coat off the shelf and proceeded to clean out their filthy, disgusting cups. The water was stained and the bottom was literally covered with a yellow-ish layer of gunk and black chunks of what could only have been whatever was left in the poor girl's stomachs after two weeks of not being fed at all. One of the girls had dropsy, but the others were, amazingly, still relatively healthy (which is the real crime here, since they would have been flushed anyway.)
I left the bottle of stress coat on the counter by the sink so no customer would be buying a used bottle... maybe it was technically stealing, but damnit, they ought to be using it anyway.

I cleaned them, actually filled their cups instead of leaving them half-empty like the rest, and returned them to the display shelf with the rest of the bettas. I was told the manager was away, so I wrote a lovely little note on my post-it pad I always keep in my purse and stuck it to the betta shelf.

"I, a customer, have changed the water in the cups of three female bettas who have been living in filth for TWO WEEKS. If I ever seen conditions like this again I will be notifying the home office. Please start feeding the bettas and cleaning their cups regularly."

I intend to make good on my claims, too. I'm giving them two weeks at the most to shape up and start doing right by those bettas (during which time I will contact the manager and complain as much as necessary to get the job done.) After that, the home office will be hearing from me once again, and once again I will be recommending that this store in particular no longer be allowed to carry live fish. This is just absolutely unacceptable.
Hooray :clap: you are those poor lil girl's hero :) that was a nice story, would have liked to seen the employees when they read the note!
Synirr said:
Today I went to Walmart (and I swear, if you people dwell on that and get my thread closed I will strangle you :lol:) and went to check on the fish... there on the counter, sitting by the sink, were three female bettas that had been there for two weeks. They were separated from the rest of the bettas on display, which can only mean one thing... they were no longer considered worth trying to sell and were doomed for the toilet bowl.

I knew I had to do something, but I didn't have room for them to come home with me. I grabbed a bottle of Stress Coat off the shelf and proceeded to clean out their filthy, disgusting cups. The water was stained and the bottom was literally covered with a yellow-ish layer of gunk and black chunks of what could only have been whatever was left in the poor girl's stomachs after two weeks of not being fed at all. One of the girls had dropsy, but the others were, amazingly, still relatively healthy (which is the real crime here, since they would have been flushed anyway.)
I left the bottle of stress coat on the counter by the sink so no customer would be buying a used bottle... maybe it was technically stealing, but damnit, they ought to be using it anyway.

I cleaned them, actually filled their cups instead of leaving them half-empty like the rest, and returned them to the display shelf with the rest of the bettas. I was told the manager was away, so I wrote a lovely little note on my post-it pad I always keep in my purse and stuck it to the betta shelf.

"I, a customer, have changed the water in the cups of three female bettas who have been living in filth for TWO WEEKS. If I ever seen conditions like this again I will be notifying the home office. Please start feeding the bettas and cleaning their cups regularly."

I intend to make good on my claims, too. I'm giving them two weeks at the most to shape up and start doing right by those bettas (during which time I will contact the manager and complain as much as necessary to get the job done.) After that, the home office will be hearing from me once again, and once again I will be recommending that this store in particular no longer be allowed to carry live fish. This is just absolutely unacceptable.
U GO GIRL!!!! i am tempted 2 do the same thing sometimes maybe i will start!!!!!
YAY i went to wally world last night an i guess half there fish were dead cuz well...all they had left was 3oscars an some bettas an some other random fish. but walmart gets new fish in on tuesday so well see.
on a side note. in your last paragraph you said "I will be recommending that this store in particular no longer be allowed to carry live fish"...are they spose to carrie dead fish? :p
an the bags from when you buy a fish at walmart(still have my bag from when i got my oscar THREE years ago) an its pinned up above my oscar tank. it says "LIVE FISH SALE" do you spose they have a bag that says "DEAD FISH SALE" ? :D
Well done
Lord but Id love about a10th of your self-confidence.Id just have left the shop and got on everyones wick at home by sounding off about it the rest of the day.
You are a credit to fishlovers everywhere :clap:
I think the worst part of having an animal fixation is that when you see an animal that needs a good home, you're already too full at your own place to take any more! :lol: Congrats on the effort; I'm so glad to hear they've been given a second chance :)
one of my friends might get a job at walmart an he said if he does he'll try to take betta care of the fish.
Great job Synirr. I wish everyone would do that. I'm known as the terrible betta girl at the local walmart. Always complaining and making them clean them while I'm there. It really aggrivates me.
I went by there again today because I'm waiting for them to get more of the containers I'm using to jar fry in, and I checked on the girls... the one with dropsy was gone, predictably, but the other two were still there and had perked up a great deal! The one girl who is green with a piebald face danced for me :wub: (you're welcome, sweetie)

I think next time the cups start getting really bad (which will hopefully be never, but I'm being realistic about it,) I'm going to get them to call the manager, then start doing water changes in the cups so that when she arrives at the fish aisle I can politely explain that I'm doing their job for them :sly:
I'll buy the bottle of dechlor before using it though, just to make sure they can't arrest me on shoplifting charges :whistle:
When I did this once, I took dechlor off the shelf and used it, then left it sitting there. On the way out of the store, i complained to the manager, and told her everything I did, including using the dechlor. She honestly didn't care that I used the necessary products to safely change the water, and was much more appauled by the horrid conditions.
Glad to hear that, I have to admit my WM is the best ever on fish care there. They've moved their bettas all into super big cups and have two care takers that are very knowledgable, even about fish the store doesn't keep and some exotics. The tanks are always clean and the sick fish are seperated and treated immediately.
i went to WM last night to get a new tank for my betta an they only had 1 male an a dozzen or so females. but some d*ckwad put a female in the cup with themale so i put the male back in his cup an the fish guy saw me an was like "what are you doing" an i turned around looked at him an said " im doing YOUR job idiot whats it look like" then i grabed a aquaview 1gal some gravel an left.
My walmart is pretty good at the fish keeping. But for some reason I have gone and seen A cup with the lid that says Male and female betta. And i look in and their was trully a male and female betta in it. Strangly they weren't attacking each other......I suppose it's not WM fault cause the cups with the fish come from there manufacturers..... But they should know.
Sorry spelling sucks! :D

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