Save My Gurami


New Member
Feb 17, 2011
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i have a 65lt tank
2 platys 2 mollies and a sick gurami
im afraid i tried a fish in cycle, but did not get any readings for ammonia or nitrite,got the filter sponge from a mates tank and sqeezed all the stuff into mine,still no readings fot ammonia or nitrite,tank has been running now for 2 months, i have 2 plants, i got a pink gurami and 2 dwarf guramis last week the 2 dwarf have died,and the larger gurami stayed in the same spot then sat up against the filter,i dont see any marks on it,but the fish were attacking it,i have it in a bowl with holes in it and placed in the tank as i dont have another tank or heater,i have done a 50%water change,and i do a 30% change every week .i would hate for this beautiful fish to die as it looks as its holding on well, can anyone help me save this fish,i also dont know what else to do to get this tank cycled,if indeed its not already cycled
i know many people will dissagree but the same thing happend to my ram ciclids and my red fin shark and rams died and my red fin shark was just holding on its probly ure ammonia what i did was did 50% water change and then i bought ammonia remover i know this isnt the best but it worked wounders in the morning my fish was brand new lol ;) he was actually still a bit shy ect but otherwise he was good swmming good eating but i decided to bring him back to the shop becuase my tank wasnt finished cyclying and it was best for my red fin i would suggest doing that and u can go back and buy him once ure tank has been cycled i hope this helps =]

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