

Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2006
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well tried mine with satsuma today and that got their attention they all like it :good:
i know casper and mr wong like orange but the others dont,so i thought seeing as only 2 of the koi like orange i will put in a small satsuma.
so cut one cut in half and tied them with a bit of fishing line to hold them so the pump doesnt drag it down, i drop them in the pond and tied the line to the net frame jobs a good un.
i go back to the pond a few mins later and typical they where all having a go (this a gone cost a fortune in satsumas because i like them too lol), i took them out a few hours later and this is whats left lol one of them likes the peel :blink:
im going to try it too and see if they eat it..
well tried mine with satsuma today and that got their attention they all like it :good:
i know casper and mr wong like orange but the others dont,so i thought seeing as only 2 of the koi like orange i will put in a small satsuma.
so cut one cut in half and tied them with a bit of fishing line to hold them so the pump doesnt drag it down, i drop them in the pond and tied the line to the net frame jobs a good un.
i go back to the pond a few mins later and typical they where all having a go (this a gone cost a fortune in satsumas because i like them too lol), i took them out a few hours later and this is whats left lol one of them likes the peel :blink:

never heard of fish eating satsumas [what fish species are they?
Would my golden rudd like satsumas too?
as chris said the are koi :good: they will eat pretty much anything
mine eat brown bread, brown bread toasted, prawns ,cucumber,orange ,satsuma, defrosted garden peas, and lettuce ,
all source of vitamins and minerals they need
they wont eat grape non of mine like it
all source of vitamins and minerals they need
a friend of mine gives his a bonio dog biscuit as a treat his koi go mad they love it :blink:
as chris said the are koi :good: they will eat pretty much anything
mine eat brown bread, brown bread toasted, prawns ,cucumber,orange ,satsuma, defrosted garden peas, and lettuce ,
all source of vitamins and minerals they need
they wont eat grape non of mine like it
all source of vitamins and minerals they need
a friend of mine gives his a bonio dog biscuit as a treat his koi go mad they love it :blink:

currently feeding my golden rudd fish peLLets. Would RUDD like and benefit from bread, cucumber, oranges etc too like KOI?
most domestic pond fish will benefit from a treat or two just dont go stupid with them
say half a slice of brown bread or quarter of a cucumber,lettuce is messy so only a leaf or two
try them with different things find out what they like and then give as a treat once a week
dont froget to remove any of the uneaten stuff
My koi and ghost carp love to eat sweetcorn. I simply place a corn on the cob into the microwave for a few minutes, cool it down afterwards in a bowl of water and begin removing the sweetcorn into a separate bowl. If you refrigerate the sweetcorn it should last a good 2-3 days.
Don't feed citric fruit too often it can mess with their stomach acid and cause irrepairable damage if they are given it too much and too often. Occasional treat is fine think of it like binge drinking in humans, alcohol is fine and in some experiments beneficial in low quantities however high quantities often cause irreparable damage and possible death.
i give satsumas once a week as they need vitamin c
i feed a wheatgerm diet all year round so i have to give them a vit and mineral boost. so thats why i give the treats

a bit of info i found......

Important ones seem to be fat soluble A,D,E and K - and vitamin C.

Vitamins A,D,E and K when deficient result in lesions of the skin, eyes, and nervous system. Vitamin K contributes to blood clotting.

Vitamin C. Addition of Vitamin C to the diet of Koi and Goldfish is a "Good Thing" for several reasons. First, it's essential to the fish and contributes majorly to disease resistance. Second, food processing degrades Vitamin C so that enough of this has to be added to the food. Inattention on the part of the feed manufacturer to this could result in food too low in Vitamin C. Finally some research supports that the immune system is not only supported, but dramatically enhanced.

Prawns are edible crustaceans which are similar to shrimp, but are usually larger. Prawns are actually very good for Koi because they are high in protein.

Lettuce is high in essential vitamins and minerals and is quite healthy for your Koi

No matter what type of treat you decide to use, it is still very important that you do not overdo it. Too many treats will interfere with their diets and cause more harm then good. Just do not get carried away and you will be set.

You should pay special attention to certain foods such as corn, beans, and grapes, as they contain an outer casing which cannot be properly digested if swallowed by Koi. If you must feed this type of food to your Koi, be sure to completely remove the outer casings before feeding

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