Satisfying My Aquarium Addiction!


Fish Addict
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
west midlands,uk
i read somewhere that once you buy an aquarium, you start thinking '' i need a bigger tank ''

this is sooo true!!

ive got the bug and ive got it bad!

i have some drastic aquarium, the mrs thinks im crazy but she's ok with it.......basicly i cannot afford a 16ft long x 4ft wide x 5ft high custom tank, my 2 x 2ft common pleco's will have to wait :( i love the common pleco and no the tank wouldn't be wasted on them so :p

BUT!! i can however satisfy my needs by buying multiple tanks, i already have 2 x 4ft tanks ( not set up )and a 2 ft tank.after Christmas im getting a 6ft tank :)

the aim is to basically turn my living room into a very relaxing room you see :shifty: ( thats the excuse told to the girlfriend ) im even moving in a week to allow for more space to do i want 4 x 4ft tanks side by side along the one wall,built into one very very long cabinet to give a landscape kinda the middle will be the 6ft as a species centre piece :nod: ( all to be cycled at the same time )and eventually, an 8ft tank at the back wall for something very special......maybe even a marine tank. :drool:

Am i going mad? Probably but im going to do it anyway. :good: lmao

ive been given 2 4ft tanks already, one is damaged but my local glass place is cutting me a piece of glass for the base so all i have to do is buy some aquarium sealant and job done. i can get 2 more 4ft tanks at £60 each, the 6ft will be 150 without the hood. and the 8 foot will be £360 for just the tank ( built to order ).i will build a custom one piece hood for them with flaps etc to keep it all flush and very pleasing to the eye. the 2ft tank will eventually be a hospital tank for smaller fish and a additional 4ft for bigger poorley fish. the hospital tanks will be in my bedroom :D

i know im looking at some very hard work in regards to cleaning, water testing / changes etc etc, but it will be worth all the effort in the end. can you imagine a wall of planted tanks? :hey: :wub:

I aim to have them all set up and ready for cycling at the end of January.

so any ideas on stocking?lol im pleco mad so bare in mind there will be plecos of some kind in all tanks, apart from the marine if i go that route in a few years. i welcome all idea's

thanks for reading my 5 minutes of addiction madness :rolleyes:

They sound like awesome plans! So lucky that you partner is happy to go with it. What I want to see is pictures! :lol:
They sound like awesome plans! So lucky that you partner is happy to go with it. What I want to see is pictures! :lol:

i think she secretly likes the idea too, she's just playing hard to
and as for pics, i will start a journal as soon as i have all four 4ft tanks and the 6ft :)
Sounds awsome do you plan on running one filter system on the main tanks or seperate ones? One would be easier for maintance but then you gotta find a place for the sump :)
Are you mad ? Maybe Join the club :lol:

Oh by the way you are suffering from BTS (bigger tank syndrome)

Be very careful once you get it it is almost impossible not to contract MTS (more tanks syndrome) But it sounds like you have contracted that already :sick:

Both these ailments are not treatable the only way to help with the symptoms is to visit this site on a regular basis and share with the rest of us poor souls :hey: :nod: :-( :lol: :lol: :good:

Regards onebto
i hope you have concrete floors ;), sounds like a good idea on paper but the weight would be a really big issue especially if you have floor boards.

Stocking is a funny one, what do you like apart from plecs?, cichlids could be a nice option. I would probably have plec species tanks and maybe a few dithers in each or a small group of cory's in each.

Be careful with what mix of fish you have with what mix of plecs you have, as you know certain plecs require such different dietary requirements to each other and feeding them and getting the right balance may cause problems. I think the species tank would solve this problem for most but then again i would opt for plec species tank anyways lol.

Look forward to seeing the setup develop :good:
Are you mad ? Maybe Join the club :lol:

Oh by the way you are suffering from BTS (bigger tank syndrome)

Be very careful once you get it it is almost impossible not to contract MTS (more tanks syndrome) But it sounds like you have contracted that already :sick:

Both these ailments are not treatable the only way to help with the symptoms is to visit this site on a regular basis and share with the rest of us poor souls :hey: :nod: :-( :lol: :lol: :good:

Regards onebto

:lol: very good diagnosis :good:
Sounds awsome do you plan on running one filter system on the main tanks or seperate ones? One would be easier for maintance but then you gotta find a place for the sump :)

i was thinking about 1 filter per 2 tanks. not sure which ones, if i have lots of plecos i will need one with a good turnover.
i hope you have concrete floors ;), sounds like a good idea on paper but the weight would be a really big issue especially if you have floor boards.

Stocking is a funny one, what do you like apart from plecs?, cichlids could be a nice option. I would probably have plec species tanks and maybe a few dithers in each or a small group of cory's in each.

Be careful with what mix of fish you have with what mix of plecs you have, as you know certain plecs require such different dietary requirements to each other and feeding them and getting the right balance may cause problems. I think the species tank would solve this problem for most but then again i would opt for plec species tank anyways lol.

Look forward to seeing the setup develop :good:

yup, concrete floors.

species tanks sounds good.only problem with having a pleco species tank is they like to do a disappearing act through the lighter hours so they will appear basically empty :( so i need to find some pretty active middle to top dwellers that mix well with them. the main plecos i will want are, para's, maybe a sailfin of some kind, some of the nicer bn's. i want some talking catfish too. so i know what i want for the cichlids are ok but im like a large shoal in each tank of something colorful and active.

id like a sturgeon but i couldnt get a big enough tank for when its an adult.lmao


I Know how you feel

i brought my 2ft

now im thikning


what about a huuuuuuuuuuuuge shoal of harlequins or some other little shoaling fish. for the bottom, loads of dwarf corries?
what about a huuuuuuuuuuuuge shoal of harlequins or some other little shoaling fish. for the bottom, loads of dwarf corries?

sounds good, i was maybe thinking of some peppered catfish /corys as i have some now and quite like there antics.

i was just pondering about the pictus catfish. does anyone keep them, are they predators for sure?
Yeah we all are your lucky your GF does not mind the tanks. I would be happy with 3 tanks a 36 gal 55 gal 120 gall. But no he thinks that's too much. I have a 20 gal 36 gal 55 gal.

Keep dreaming. I like 3 tanks that's enough wc for me.

I would even be happy with 2 tanks as long as they are big 100+.

What would you do with all thoes tanks?

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