Sasha Died Today.


Fish Addict
Dec 18, 2005
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I can not believe I won't see her again. We are devastated. She had a medical emergency and we rushed her to hospital but they delayed her operation by 9 hours and she died. We are angry and we are hurting and we don't know what we are going to do without her.

Hi SuzieQPlecMama,

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. :-(

A pet is no less a member of the family than a human and the saddness at her loss every bit as great.
Why did the delay the operation was there a reason like she was to weak.
So sorry to hear of your loss. She was a beautiful dog. As mentioned, pets are family members. I can't imagine losing our Trixie.

So Sorry for your great loss!! I just lost my little betta fish this week called Bettalicious and feel lost, too, without him. He was a friendly little guy --literally like a puppy==would come over to the side of tank when you walked by. He always made me feel less alone on a bad day.

So my heart goes out to you. I grew up having beloved dogs and cats and I still miss them. So let yourself grieve---It's a real loss! And if, after a few weeks, yoou're having trouble handling it--or getting out of bed, don't be afraid to seek outside help. Some of the local animal rescue groups here on LI used to have grief support groupss.

I send you my hugs and prayers.


:rip: Sasha
I am so sorry for your loss SuzieQ, losing a member of your family is always hard. :sad:
So sorry to hear about Sasha. :sad: Just keep remembering the good times, I know it's easier said than done.

Hope you all feel better soon.


I am so sorry for your loss Suzie :rip:

I know how special dogs are as members of the family and I can barely imagine losing my dog who is not much younger than sasha was.

My thoughts are with you and your beautiful family at this tragic time :sad:
sorry is not enough i know how you feel
i lost three dogs in less than than three years it's like losing a family member they were there through the good times and the bad :(

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