saratoga arawana

There are a few species of Australlian Arowana that are commonly called Saratoga Arowana. The Jardini is probably the most commonly seen. If you can find one in Australlia they will be very pricey. I know Doggfather tracked some down that where selling for $400 at only 4" or so. He can probably give you some more information on their availability.

Are you aware of this fishes requirements and temperament? They require a tank of at least 180 gallons (6x2x2') when fully grown and can often only be kept on their own or with large bottom dwellers which can with stand some aggression. Some more information if needed - . :)

Moved to Oddballs.
thanks i actually catch and wholesale all native species in nt . i was trying to get an idea on how mutch the public were paying so i know wot they are up to ... tee hee.. :D

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