

Jun 18, 2004
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Can fine sand work with one GSP in a 20g? Will it be too messy?
sand or sand with a little regular aquarium gravel would be ideal for your GSP.... seem more like home for him ;)

messy.....uuumm it can seem that it messes up easier, especially in the early days when your sand is prestine and poops really really show up on it. With my sand tanks once its established (in a few months or so) IE some algae on it etc it does look very very natural and really needs no more effort than looking after a gravel substrate.
Yep... puffs like sand. It's easier for them to pick up foods like bloodworm because it can't fall between any gaps!
I see. And how would you go about mixing the sand and gravel.. Just throw em in at the same time? :p
I wouldn't just mix sand and gravel, but that may be just me. The sand will eventually sink to the bottom, the gravel will all be on top. Depending on how much gravel you "mix" with your sand, you will just end up with two layers, with gravel on the top, thus defeating the purpose of the sand. Personally, I'd just choose one or the other, so long as both choices are sand. ;)

I have sand in mine. I love it but everyone is right, it sure does show EVERYTHING. But I don't think I would ever go back to gravel. That's just me though. :thumbs:
Yea that mixing idea is a little weird if you ask me... I was planning on getting either pink sand like the beaches in Bermuda or white.
Sand may look dirtyer to the owner but its easyer to clean (as in you get more % of the gunk out) and its better n your puffers belly. It is in all ways good for the fish.
Yes, but right after cleaning, and with only 2 GSP its not going to look THAT bad.
I didnt mix gravel in, I just added a cup full of gravel.... just so its not just sand on the surface.... it just looks more natural to me.
Both my puffers do actually 'bury' in the sand. I personally use a mix of black and tan sand, it gives the whole tank a very deep look. Plus they stand out against it nicely.
One worry about sand though, is that gravel will never do it for you again :D
Wat ever you do, do not put in marine sand even if the lable on the package says you can.

The marine sand is filled with large amounts of nitrate and small amounts of some hramful metals . Besides it would be extremly difficult to do water changes.

I would try some really fine gravle. You can usualy find it in any pet stores. It looks and feels like sand.

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