
A.K.A Zak

Fish Crazy
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Ohio, Orient
I have my twoBrichardi's in my 10 gallon right now, I took out 1/3 of the gravel and replaced it with some sand ( I rinsed it 24 times ) is this ok, my fish seem to be ok and seem to be enjoying the new sand. Tell me anything you think I should know. Thanks!
I've actually got Otoinclus and a bristlenose plecs plecs in my 30 gal with a sand substrate and they seem to be getting on really well with it.
no long probably year at the most, if you want a pleco get a dwarf one like the bristlnose ideal for a 10 gal
no it does clear up after a while just make sure u dont disturbe the sand too much or it will clog ur filter thats another thing
I have a common plec. He started out in the 10gal. and he was about 2" in 3 months I moved him to my 55gal. He grew really fast. I've now had him 8 months & he's already little over 6". I am working on either 1) getting a larger tank or 2) finding him a new home elsewhere. At 6" he is like the "Bull in a china shop" he knoks over certian smaller rocks and is really becoming a pain. I would go with a bristlenose or a rubber lipped plec(I believe they stay small too)
I think I rushed the sand process way to fast, i all ready was tempted to remove all the gravel and replace it with sand in just a day long period, the only problem i have so far is the water is a tiny bit more cloudy then with gravel, but that should claer up soon. my fish aren't shocked or anything, I plan on getting eather a Pleco or 6 Neon Tetras or just 1 Goldfish- wich one should i go with?
You need to stick with either tropicals or coldwater fish. Goldfish are coldwater and may carry organisms that may attack your tropical fish. It's your decision, but stick with one or the other. :D

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