

Moved On
Aug 13, 2005
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I have a empty 55 gal aquarium and i plan to get sand but i have question

How do u was it

what kind should i get

Wont it make the water cloudy everyday

Will the filter suck it up

how do i clean it

wont a syphon suck it up instead of cleaning it like graval

thanx in advance
If you are in the US, go to Lowe's or Home Depot and buy the play sand (meant for sand boxes). I got a 50 lb bag of Quickrete Play Sand for $2.50, and it filled my 55 with extra left.....that I put in anyway. lol
I just set up a 40G tall, and I use filter sand. It was like $6 for 50lbs., but I like the color more than white playsand. Be careful if you go and get playsand as some have a disclaimer on the front of the bag that its not for use in aquariums. I bought a bag of white playsand from Home Dept and noticed the "Not for Aquariums" writing when I got it home.

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