Sand with aquaclear


Fish Crazy
Feb 16, 2004
Reaction score
North Queensland, Australia
I've searched for previous topics on this and can't seem to find any. I want to use sand in my next tank (pool filter) and was wondering if it's okay to use with an aquaclear filter (external, HOB). Will it suck up sand particles and be damaged? Or does pool filter sand have large enough grains to avoid this problem. Does anyone have experience with this combination?
as long as u leave like 6-8'' between the sand and the bottom of the intake...i think it should be fine.
I dont know what an external hob is but I have an aquaclear and I have sand in my tank and I've never had a prob
HOB, means hangs over back (or side) on outside of tank. Also, that's good to hear as I didn't want to ruin what is quite an expensive filter where I live.
I only use pool filter sand in my sand tanks. I have enver had it get sucked up in a filter as long as the intake is about 6-8 inches up from the top of the sand.

This sand is the best since it looks so natural and is heavy in the water, so it does not get stirred up easily.
Same here, miy intake is higher than 4" but I could have it lower and it still not get taken up.
you could also tie a carbon bag to the filter intake to stop the sand from entering the filter. (carbon bag made of similar material as fish nets)

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