Sand Substrate?

Matty P

Professor Cowfish
Feb 12, 2007
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Is it a good idea to use sand as a substrate in a brackish, planted tank?
my guess is brackish should be the same as fw..... i used sand in one of my 20 gal long and had it in my 120 for a couple years. it should be fine.
Sorry I worded it slightly wrong. What I meant was is sand suitable on its own for plants or does it require a bottom layer of substrate??
You can add root tabs instead, same as laterite but they need to be added frequently.
It does depend what plants you're planting, and if you are going to be adding any fertilisers :)

Crypts for instance are root feeders. You would need to consider a plant substrate under the sand (Tetraplant Complete works ok for me). You also need to consider root tabs (small pill/tablet like ferts you push into the substrate near to the plant). These break down over several months releasing nutrients directly to the roots of whatever plant it is near.

I'm not really up on brackish, so I don't know about what sort of plants you can use. I think if anything, some root tabs and some liquid fertiliser should see you right :)
It does depend what plants you're planting, and if you are going to be adding any fertilisers :)

Crypts for instance are root feeders. You would need to consider a plant substrate under the sand (Tetraplant Complete works ok for me). You also need to consider root tabs (small pill/tablet like ferts you push into the substrate near to the plant). These break down over several months releasing nutrients directly to the roots of whatever plant it is near.

I'm not really up on brackish, so I don't know about what sort of plants you can use. I think if anything, some root tabs and some liquid fertiliser should see you right :)

Right, ok. So how deep should the plant substrate be and would it not all mix together with the sand??
Right, ok. So how deep should the plant substrate be and would it not all mix together with the sand??

its really your preference but i would use about 30 mm of the substrate and layered with 10 mm or more on the sand, and yes if you keep moving your plants, the sand will definitely mix in with the substrate, and it ain't pretty, its a real mess ,so just beaware , sand obviously being lighter will sink down and substrate will move up.
hmmmm.... I might just use some fake plants. With some moss balls and java moss attached to some bogwood. Any other plants I could attach to bogwood instead of planting?

Some plants adhere themselves I think, correct me if I'm wrong people?? Would it be ok to use just sand with root tabs and fertilizers that I add into the water??
yep just use fish line or cotton string and it attaches its self. if your not going to be planting the plants in the sand i would go with 1 inch deep. there are plenty of plants that would do fine with sand only.
Sorry to be a pain but wuld someone mind staying hardy plants, that tolerate brackish water (around 1.005) and do fine in sand only. I will prob use some root tabs if I can find some, and fertilize with stuff you add into the water.

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