Sand Substrate for My Malawi Tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
Chester, UK

I am currently setting up a 55 gal Malawi Mbuna tank. For the rocks i have chosen porous rock. i am now to decide on substrate. i want to get sand, but have been told by my lfs that coral sand is what they prefer. is this true, i personally prefer a more finer sand. coral sand seems to be more 'gravel like' and isnt really sand as i know it.

any feedback would be appreciated!!


I just read couple minutes ago from book "Cichlids of Lake Malawi" (written by Ad Koning) that coral sand shouldn't be used in malawi tank.

However... Have you seen corals in malawi lake? :rolleyes: So, do what you're doing: buy sand!
You can use any sand that you wish. You are told that they 'prefer' coral sand because it can sometimes help buffer the PH. In reality there are better sands in terms of texture. I like beach sand myself, and there are alternative methods to buffering the water that give you more options for substrate choice. You can, for example, fill a canister filter up with crushed coral, where it will give a more immediate effect then using it as a substrate. Crushed limestone would work even better. Depending on what your water perameters already are you may not even need to worry about this in the first place.
Thanks, I think i will go for a finer sand. i have heard though that sand that is to light in colour can give the fish a 'washed out' look. is this true?? as i have seen some malawi tanks with white sand??
White sand with bright lighting can wash fish out, but in the end it depends on what fish you have, what color rocks and background you have, and what kind of lighting you have.

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