Sand Substrate, Bogwood, Rocks & Plants?


Fish Crazy
Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
North East UK

Ok, I took a rest from searching for a 48" tank.

I'm now thinking about how the substrate should be made up, which types of bogwood, rocks and plants to buy..?

This is what I have in my head, lol! ...

I visualize a two tone sandy substrate (maybe 2/3 light - 1/3 black). The sand will be seperated somehow...hopefully by using rocks/caves etc to create different levels, boundaries. Gravel will also be used in places.

Question 1: Can I use light and black sand without it altering my water chemistry?
2: How should this substrate be layered?...should I include an undergravel heater/peat?

Regarding the bogwood/ rocks. Is this basically specific taste...or do I need to be more careful with choice here (possible water issues)...?

Lastly, plants...

The easiest ones to look after would do me :D Maybe some large leaved ones for the rear, medium to small for elsewhere and a moss/grassy type plant that will spread across the sand/rocks/bogwood :)

Guys, I'm trying to start from scratch writing things down in order of what I need. When the tank arrives, I would hate to put the substrate down..only to discover I could have added a layer of 'something' to benefit the plants/fish.

I just need to get this layered substrate in order, then I can go find what I need. So, what do you think guys? :unsure:

Edit: I think a nice fake wall background would go well also. The main purpoise of this would be to create hideaways for small fish/ future fry. Ideally it would be no more than 1" thick with plenty of nooks and crannies.

Wow! this idea in my head is so exciting, lol! replies, lol!

Maybe I be a little lazy asking to much at once :blush:

Ok, going to try and find out a bit more about my queries :good:
Hi Gun, ok, you do realise that the different coloured sands and gravel will eventually mix, unless you have a partition, which would be more than rocks as they sand will just waft through them?

My personal taste is darker sand but thats just because I got fed up with seeing poop 30 seconds after cleaning it religiously, the dark hides it better LOL.

Rocks are down to personal taste again, whatever ones you are going to use, its always best to do the vinegar test on them, which is, add some white vinegar to the surface of the rock, if it fizzes dont use it, it will alter your ph - if it doesnt fizz, away you go. Me, I just go to the local brook behind my house and take them from there - never had a problem yet.

Bogwood - will lower your ph slightly - not drastically enough to worry about though. However, you will need to boil, boil and boil it again before adding it to your tank, one to get rid of any nasties that may be lurking on it and because it will leech tannins like a loony into the tank if you dont and even with boiling it may still leech for a time, although not harmful to the fish it will colour the water and is annoying to get rid of, you can add carbon to the filter to help get rid of it, but water changes are the best thing to do.

Plants - Absolutely no use to you here at all - never been able to keep them myself, either because of no enough lighting, co2 etc, but mainly because of the fish I keep, who seem to enjoy a game of rip em up, chew em up and spit em out!!!! So I use silk - much easier but obviously not as attractive as a lovingly planted tank.

Did I miss a point LOL???
Hi minxfishy

Ok, so I basically have a pretty wide choice here, regarding bogwood/ long as I do a little prep. Thanks very much for the advice :good:

About the substrate.

Hmm..I was originally going to go for 2/3 light and 1/3 dark..probably switch those around now, after hearing about the poop showing up, lol! I think I read on here also that some fish tend to hold back there colours with light sand in the tank. Keeping the sand apart could be very tricky, I think the contrast would look great I'll probably give it a try :unsure:


Need to read up about plants. See if I can find some fairly easy ones to keep..that my fish won't munch.

I think you covered everything, minxfishy, lol Cheers :D
If i were you, id just get all dark sand or all light sand, instead of mixing it.

Its pretty much personal prefrence i spose...
Not exaclty a plant expert myslef but this plant has really taken off in my tank
Egeria Densa

I also have Cabomba and Amazon swords that are doing well, i have also been recommended p.hygrophila anubias vallisneria swords, java fern/moss r.ludwigia
Nice and healthy looking plant, lilfishie :good:

Do you have a pic of your full tank? Love to see the Cabomba (that's the very delicate stuff that sometimes floats about..?) and the Amazon Swords :)

I think I may have had them in the past but they didn't last to long...probably due to bad conditions/lack of knowledge. Going to do things by the book this time :D

Edit: Guys, do you know anywhere online that sells/delivers plants, rocks and bogwood?
Sure, heres how it was before the weekend when i had a fry rescue mission :rolleyes:


The plants:
the Cabomba

And the amazon sword with Egeria Densa (in my betta tank but is in the 15 too)
Nice tank, lilfishie.

Thank's very much for the pics :good:

I like your plants, they all look very healthy. Cabomba looks great, though I have had a tough time securing it in the past :unsure:

What do you have in your tank?
just guppies currently, started breeding again, them plants are saving me fry which is good, my lil sis loves raising them so all happy.
just need a few more plants, a black background and some bog wood and i might be happy with it.
The cabomba was a little hard to secure at first but i just put extra gravel around it and it seems to stay put now, its actually the sword i have most problem with, it keeps floating :rolleyes:

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