this isnt the sand sifting crab i've seen before, and it says it doesnt even have claws. would it be safe with
4 cerith snails
4 astreas
4 nassarius
1 fighting conch
1 turbo
6 dwarf hermit (sp undecided)
and a randall's pistol.
Would it? And do you think thats all ok for a 12 gallon? Any suggestions?
this isnt the sand sifting crab i've seen before, and it says it doesnt even have claws. would it be safe with
4 cerith snails
4 astreas
4 nassarius
1 fighting conch
1 turbo
6 dwarf hermit (sp undecided)
and a randall's pistol.
Would it? And do you think thats all ok for a 12 gallon? Any suggestions?