Sand question


Fish Crazy
Apr 25, 2004
Reaction score
Oregon USA
I decided to go with sand for my new 55g mbuna tank, so I went to the hardware store and bought play sand. I noticed on the back that it said the sand had already been washed. Is this enough? I think I probably still need to wash it, but was wanting to make sure I wasn't doing something unnecessary.
ive just done mine with playsand and you are better off washing it first . There is still a bit of dust in it but not much to worry about
damn beaten to it. put the sand if in a large bucket, burry the hose (on full) in it, give it a good mixing and let it run over for 15 mins, then carefully tip out as much water as possible. You'll find a cup full of sand on the ground, thats the stuff you dont want because its the dusty stuff and will cloud your tank for days so your better off without it.

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