Sand Or Stone?


New Member
Jan 14, 2008
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I have had my 125l tank for a few months and currently have a layer small stones at the bottom. I have a couple of black moors in there with two catfish that I was given.

I have a small leak in the tank and have arranged for a replacement...

Now I am thinking if I should use the opportunity to change to sand.

But will the fancy fish like it? And how do I go about cleaning the tank? I syphon the stones once a week, do you do the same with sand?

It may sound silly but surely the sand will go up the syphon and into my bucket?!
I've heard sand isn't a good idea with goldfish because it can irritate their gills. Not sure how true that is though
I've had sand in my goldfish tank for about a year now and they love it, its a much easier substrate to keep clean in comparison to gravel and the goldfish have no problem with it (IMO i actually think they prefer it). I've never cleaned the sand in my goldfish tank since it is a rather thin layer of the stuff and with the goldfishes activities of rummaging through it looking for food and the strong filters i have in their tank, the sand always stays sparkling clean :good: .

I've heard sand isn't a good idea with goldfish because it can irritate their gills. Not sure how true that is though

That would only happen if you didn't wash the sand before putting it in the tank and it happened to be very dusty, otherwise though if you wash it thoroughly before putting it into the tank you will have no problems with the stuff :thumbs: .

Never use marine/coral or building sand- both of these sands are very bad for freshwater fish, but blasting/pool/silica sand and children's playsand are fine to use as long as they're washed before you put the stuff into the tank- hundreds of members on this forum (including me) have freshwater tanks with sand in them :good: .
just one said you never clean the sand in your goldfish tank and it is clean? What about their wastes - don't that stay in that sand than ? (sorry if it is a stupid question, I always had gravel in all my tanks)
Usually fish waste just sits on top of sand. So he is saying that when his fish root around in the sand, it moves around the waste and it is then sucked into his filters.

I totally recommend switching to sand as well, especially with goldfish. They produce so much waste and sand makes it easier to see/clean, and they are primarily bottom feeders so they will appreciate being able to dig in sand.

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