Sand or Gravel


Fish Fanatic
Jun 26, 2004
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whitch one my uncle has a bag of sand in his garage but im scared to use it since i fear it might be dirty how do u clean it or should i just goto my lps and buy a bad of gravel?
Is it sand that's made for fish tank? Or is it sand that you go and buy from places like Home Depot?
im not sure im gunna guess sand from home depot but if its nto clean ill goto my lps and buy soem for my fish tank
hey just search on this forum for sand, there's loads of posts about it :D
Before we say if you can or can not use it, we need to know what kind of sand it is. Home Depot sells several types of sand that are safe for use in an aquarium. See if there is a lable on the package. In any event, whatever sand or gravel you decide to use, rinse it well before putting it in your fishtank. And research here if it is ok to use first. Let us know the name/type of sand and we can better help you!


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