Sand Or Gravel?


New Member
Jun 17, 2012
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I am going to get some red claw crabs and i wanted to know can i use gravel or should i go get some sand?

It's completely up to personal preference. Gravel is good if you like bright, luminous colours, but sand is nicer if you prefer a more natural, elegant look. Plants will grow fine in either (considering the gravel isn't too big):good:
Sand is also easier to clean as the poo stays on the surface, whereas with gravel it sinks into the gravel and can be harder to remove (possibly resulting in a worse water quality). If it was me i'd definately go with sand. Argos sell playsand (which can be used after cleaned thoroughly) for very cheap :good:
I just thought ( because i am going to have a filter) it would get caught in the filter and screw it up. :crazy: So i bought some gravel. But i read :book: something that said you have to have sand for them to molt. So what do i do?
I am going to get some red claw crabs and i wanted to know can i use gravel or should i go get some sand?


as these guys live on land. I'd suggest sand as their living area. as for the water section of the tank? i doubt it matters. as they crabs only pop in the water, every so often.
as long as you have plenty of land (roughly 75% of tank area and brackish water. a mix of sand and gravel will do fine. with the "beach" area pure PLAY sand. as thats where they will feed.
I just thought ( because i am going to have a filter) it would get caught in the filter and screw it up. :crazy: So i bought some gravel. But i read :book: something that said you have to have sand for them to molt. So what do i do?

Just wondered if you ever got sand for your crabs? I have mine in with small pebbles plus a sand area, they seem to like both. How many crabs do you have?

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