Sand Or Gravel?

What looks better ?

  • Sand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gravel

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
depends on what in the tank and other deco, however i prefer sand. :)
Depends on which sand too...I think sands great if you go for a slightly darker sand like play sand.

Silica sand can look good, but fish poop shows up to easy on it.

Lot's of fish will prefer sand to gravel, while others couldn't care less, so depends what fish you are looking for :good: .
oh, i didnt know species was an issue with sand or gravel. Trying not to intrude on someones topic....but what species may prefer sand?
My vote was based purely on appearance :p
I think it is down to what fish and your own personal preference.
I have sand in my Tanganikyan, Apisto and Zebra Pleco tanks and gravel in my Pleco tank and fighter tank. I like the look of both of them and haven't found either one to be anymore difficult than the other to clean.
sand by far...setup my 2nd tank and it looks twenty times better with the plants against the converted the 1st tank as well to sand
i like sand more which i have in my main tank
then i have black in my other tank
maby Tena reef sand but i always think that gravel is better as it gives the tank more depth and color differentiation
I have changed both my tanks to sand and they look a lot better, my pleck khulies and corys love it, even my guppies sleep on the sand now. They never slept on the gravel.

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