Sand Or Gravel?


Sep 23, 2005
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Vancouver Island, BC
I'm saving up some money for a big tank for some orandas. They are about 14" long, at least the ones I'm looking at. Would gravel or sand be better? I was think with gravel they might try and eat it because they've got such big mouths, but I don't know..
We've got fantails in with gravel - not Orandas I know, but there or there abouts! :shifty:

Anyhow, they like the gravel, dont swallow it, and regally pick amougst it for left over food.

Bear in mind they are poo machines - if you have nice white sand, it ain't gonna stay like that for long!
We have found multi coloured gravel, although a bit naff, hides the yuck on the bottom between vacs.
I would go with gravel, as goldfish are messy, and it wouldn't take them two minutes to mess the sand up, lol
Or bless him, that went straight through me.
I'd go for sand but not a white one. A darker brown/natural color would be better so that it doesn't look too dirty. Having said that, I think it's good for the poo to not sink in between and remain visible - shows you just how much waste your fish are producing and encourages you to keep the tank cleaner. Just because you don't see all the waste if you use gravel, doesn't mean it isn't there and isn't upsetting your water quality.
Only use gravel for goldies as they like to churn through substrate and sand clogs the rakers in the gills.
Either small grade gravel or better still a bare bottom.

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