personal preference i suppose-the betta probably won't care. the thing about putting sand in a small tank like a bowl, 1 gallon, etc is that when you do those large water changes it is possible that the water will be cloudy from the sand which i don't believe is too pleasent for the fish or to look at.
I agree. I personally prefer sand bottoms in my larger tanks. But if it's a smaller tank and you're doing 100% water changes, it could take up to a day to settle after every water change.
I'm with red-devil0602 virtually all my betta tanks have no substrate at all. My once female community (which is now down to one lucky female due to constant bickering) has sand in but thats it. I put plants into washed out yogurt pots filled with mature gravel from my gupp/platy tank and they grow fine in there.
Its so easy to keep clean, if you see any poop or uneaten food then you can just get a turkey baster and hoof it out
H al thnaks for the replys.
I wanted to put something on the bottom as I want the tank to look nice also planning on puting in some plants.
I think il use both.Il ut some sand in and a small amoutn of gravel on the top to see what effect i get